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On Hadoop RDBMS. Interview with Monte Zweben.

“HBase and Hadoop are the only technologies proven to scale to dozens of petabytes on commodity servers, currently being used by companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Adobe and”–Monte Zweben.

Is it possible to turn Hadoop into a RDBMS? On this topic, I have interviewed Monte Zweben, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Splice Machine.


Q1. What are the main challenges of applications and operational analytics that support real-time, interactive queries on data updated in real-time for Big Data?

Monte Zweben: Let’s break down “real-time, interactive queries on data updated in real-time for Big Data”. “Real-time, interactive queries” means that results need to be returned in milliseconds to a few seconds.
For “Data updated in real-time” to happen, …

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