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Displaying posts with tag: pyclustercheck (reset)
Benchmark: SimpleHTTPServer vs pyclustercheck (twisted implementation)

Github user Adrianlzt provided a python-twisted alternative version of pyclustercheck per discussion on issue 7.

Due to sporadic performance issues noted with the original implementation in SimpleHTTPserver, the benchmarks which I’ve included as part of the project on github use mutli-mechanize library,

  • cache time 1 sec
  • 2 x 100 thread pools
  • 60s ramp up time
  • 600s total duration
  • testing simulated node fail (always returns 503, rechecks mysql node on cache expiry)
  • AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor
  • Intel 330 SSD
  • local loop back test (

The SimpleHTTPServer instance faired as follows:

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