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Displaying posts with tag: recovery times (reset)
MySQL Enterprise Backup: parallel config & backup n restore results.

In this post I go into some performance metrics and time spent on using MySQL Enterprise Backup instead of mysqldump, and seeing how far I could go with some parallel configuration.


It’s on an old laptop:

–Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 32bit Intel Pentium M 1.86Ghz, 2Gb –Source disk:  internal 80Gb ATA ST9808211A –Destination:  external 1Tb SAMSUNG HD103SI –MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.6.15 –MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.9.0 –Employees sample database duplicated via MySQL Utilities 1.3.6 (on Win7 PC) to generate a ~5Gb MySQL Server. And to simulate data size, I used the MySQL Utilities:

mysqldbcopy --source=root:pass@host:3356 --destination=root:pass@host:3356 employees:employees1 \
employees:employees2 employees:employees3 employees:employees4 ... employees:employees18 \
employees:employees19 employees:employees20

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MySQL Enterprise Backup: parallel config & backup n restore results.

In this post I go into some performance metrics and time spent on using MySQL Enterprise Backup instead of mysqldump, and seeing how far I could go with some parallel configuration.


It’s on an old laptop:

–Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, 32bit Intel Pentium M 1.86Ghz, 2Gb –Source disk:  internal 80Gb ATA ST9808211A –Destination:  external 1Tb SAMSUNG HD103SI –MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.6.15 –MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.9.0 –Employees sample database duplicated via MySQL Utilities 1.3.6 (on Win7 PC) to generate a ~5Gb MySQL Server. And to simulate data size, I used the MySQL Utilities:

mysqldbcopy --source=root:pass@host:3356 --destination=root:pass@host:3356 employees:employees1 \
employees:employees2 employees:employees3 employees:employees4 ... employees:employees18 \
employees:employees19 employees:employees20

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