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Displaying posts with tag: 3.9 (reset)
MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.10: Teasing compression.

Ok, so I wanted to look into the new compression options of MEB 3.10.

And I would like to share my tests with you. Remember, they’re just this, tests, so please feel free to copy n paste and obtain your own results and conclusions, and should I say it, baselines, in order to compare future behaviour, on your own system.

An Oracle Linux 6.3 virtual machine with 3Gb RAM, 2 virtual threads, on a 1x quad core, windows laptop. Not pretty, but hey.

So, these tests are solely about backup. I’ll do restore when I get some *more* time.


First up, lets compare like with like, i.e. MEB version 3.9 & 3.10:

Let’s make this interesting, hence, want to use as much resources available as possible, read, write, process threads and number of buffers.

mysqlbackup --user=root --password=oracle --socket=/tmp/mysql5614.sock \
--backup-dir=/home/mysql/MEB/test --with-timestamp …
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MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.10: Teasing compression.

Ok, so I wanted to look into the new compression options of MEB 3.10.

And I would like to share my tests with you. Remember, they’re just this, tests, so please feel free to copy n paste and obtain your own results and conclusions, and should I say it, baselines, in order to compare future behaviour, on your own system.

An Oracle Linux 6.3 virtual machine with 3Gb RAM, 2 virtual threads, on a 1x quad core, windows laptop. Not pretty, but hey.

So, these tests are solely about backup. I’ll do restore when I get some *more* time.


First up, lets compare like with like, i.e. MEB version 3.9 & 3.10:

Let’s make this interesting, hence, want to use as much resources available as possible, read, write, process threads and number of buffers.

mysqlbackup --user=root --password=oracle --socket=/tmp/mysql5614.sock \
--backup-dir=/home/mysql/MEB/test --with-timestamp …
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Backing up full server instance using MySQL Enterprise Backup


MySQL Enterprise Backup(MEB) takes fast, consistent backups of MySQL server data, and helps in restoring the server to source server's data at the time of backup. But most of the times it is as much important to have same source server's state(server configuration like server global variables, plugins), as data. As backups become more frequent, server variables modified, plugins added or removed, it is very difficult to keep track of this changing server states for every backup. MEB 3.9.0 helps user in providing a complete backup so that the restored server can run with exactly the same state as that of the source server at the time of the backup.

MEB 3.9.0 performs full server instance backup,  which, on top of the log …

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