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Displaying posts with tag: Galera graphs (reset)
Percona Monitoring Plugins 1.0.4 release: Now with Galera graphs

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Monitoring Plugins 1.0.4. The components are designed to integrate seamlessly with widely deployed solutions such as Nagios and Cacti, and are delivered in the form of templates, plugins, and scripts.


* Added Galera/MySQL Monitoring Template for Cacti
* Added “Disk Read/Write Time per IO Request (ms)” graph
* Added “MySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool Efficiency” graph
* Switched ss_get_mysql_stats.php to PHP MySQLi extension and made it working with SSL (bug 1193097)
* Added user info to the max_duration check of pmp-check-mysql-innodb plugin (bug 1185513)
* ss_get_mysql_stats.php default values for ‘$status’ array were null instead of 0 (bug 1070268)
* Introduction of innodb_read_views_memory overrode the InnoDB total memory allocated …

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