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Displaying posts with tag: google cloud storage (reset)
ClouSE 1.0 is generally available

OblakSoft is pleased to announce general availability of the Cloud Storage Engine for MySQL (ClouSE) version 1.0.  Whether you want to use ready-to-run WordPress for Amazon Cloud / Google Cloud, configure your own WordPress installation with WP2Cloud plugin, or use ClouSE to deploy your own applications, ClouSE lets you tap the power of cloud storage to store your data extremely durably and make serving the content highly scalable.

We would like to thank more than 2,000 registered Beta users and early adopters who helped …

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How to store MySQL innobackupex backups at Google Cloud Storage

In general, I chose Google Cloud Storage to store web sites MySQL backups due to its price and speed of upload/download in real time

I used the Google native tool – gsutil , innobackupex and some bash

in short : the /etc and local MySQL  backup

# Barcelona Tue Nov 22 17 16:30:36 CEST 2013

exportDate=`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S`
test ! -d "${export_DIR}" && echo "$(date) : creating ${export_DIR}" && mkdir -p "${export_DIR}"
# backup the /etc directory
rsync -avh …
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OblakSoft Cloud Storage Engine Newsletter, June 2013

ClouSE 1.0b.1.8 is released

OblakSoft is pleased to announce the release of ClouSE Beta version 1.0b.1.8.  This is a minor maintenance release that addresses a couple pain points, while we’re working on a release candidate that will bring the built-in point-in-time recovery and other major features.

Here is the summary of changes:

  • Improved caching for Weblobs

Now ClouSE sets the cache control headers for Weblobs.  The cache control headers specify the max-age directive that allows caching content for one year.  This makes proxies and content delivery networks (CDN) more efficient.  The change resolves this support issue.

  • Improved error handling on startup

Now database requests fail if …

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MySQL on Cloud Storage: ClouSE upgrade made easy

Updating ClouSE can now be done with one command

With more than a thousand registered users worldwide, guiding customers through the upgrade process is getting hard, so we decided to automate the servicing steps.  Now the update-clouse script can be used to update ClouSE binaries to the current version.  This script ships with the ClouSE binary distribution.

Here is an example of updating ClouSE using the Webmin console.

First, download ClouSE 64-bit binaries from  Then upload and extract the binaries to the /home/ec2-user directory. In Webmin, navigate to Others, then to Upload and Download, then …

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MySQL on Cloud Storage: do it yourself with one command

Cloud Storage Engine (ClouSE) installation and configuration is now fully automated. Try new ClouSE installer and you’ll have cloud storage access configured in no time.

OblakSoft is pleased to announce the release of Cloud Storage Engine (ClouSE) installer that can be used to deploy and configure ClouSE with your MySQL server. Now ClouSE can be deployed with just one command. The installer will guide the user through the configuration process, prompt for Cloud Storage connection parameters, and install ClouSE into MySQL.

Presented is a step-by-step guide for ClouSE installation and configuration, from downloading the binaries to running the installer. The guide was designed by request of WordPress-to-Cloud users, however it is fully applicable to any generic ClouSE installation.

The slides have notes, they are a little hard to discover with the SlideShare interface, look for a tab below the slide that looks …

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OblakSoft Cloud Storage Engine Newsletter, March 2013

ClouSE 1.0b.1.7 is released

OblakSoft is pleased to announce the release of Cloud Storage Engine (ClouSE) for MySQL Beta version 1.0b.1.7.  In this release we added support for a variety of environments to address the platform diversity of our growing customer base.

Here is the summary of changes that are included into 1.0b.1.7:

  • Support for ClouSE on Microsoft Windows (limited preview)

Now ClouSE builds are available both for Linux and Microsoft Windows.  The cloud data format is the same across all platforms: Linux and Windows, 32-bit and 64-bit.  This allows for seamless transitions between machines, platforms and clouds.  ClouSE for Windows is currently available to a group of limited preview customers.  If you would like to sign up for the limited preview program please …

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OblakSoft Cloud Storage Engine Newsletter, December 2012

ClouSE version 1.0b.1.6 is released

OblakSoft is pleased to announce the release of ClouSE version 1.0b.1.6.  In this release we fixed some of the known ClouSE Beta limitations as well as performance and functional bugs reported by our users.

Here is the summary of changes that are included into 1.0b.1.6:

  • Support for latest MySQL 5.5

Now ClouSE supports MySQL thru 5.5.29.  To keep the distribution small, we don’t build binaries for MySQL prior to 5.5.19 anymore.  If you need one, please contact us.

  • DECIMAL keys support

Now ClouSE supports using DECIMAL fields in keys.  Previously neither the primary key nor indices could include DECIMAL fields.  This fixes the following Beta limitation: DECIMAL fields cannot …

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OblakSoft Cloud Storage Engine Newsletter, November 2012

MySQL and WordPress welcome Google Cloud Storage

OblakSoft is pleased to announce that the Cloud Storage Engine for MySQL (ClouSE) now supports Google Cloud Storage.  Using MySQL to store data directly in Google Cloud Storage becomes a simple deployment choice: pick your Google Cloud Storage bucket and migrate any or all of your tables to the cloud.  We would like to thank Google storage team for their support and contributions.

This functionality opens Google Cloud Storage to millions of MySQL-based applications – cloud storage becomes a better alternative to local storage, no matter where you host the application, on premise or in the cloud.  Applications can now store data on Google’s infrastructure, and enjoy high availability, high durability and high scalability of …

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