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Displaying posts with tag: global transaction identifiers (reset)
MySQL 5.6’s new replication features: Benefits, Limitations and Challenges

On Wednesday I’ll be leading a webinar exploring MySQL 5.6’s new replication features. And yes, as usual I’ll deliver news on the good, the bad and the ugly (that is to say the benefits, limitations and challenges).

The webinar, appropriately titled, “New Replication Features in MySQL 5.6: Benefits, Limitations, and Challenges“, is scheduled for Oct. 23 at 10 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. You can register now to reserve your spot (this webinar will also be available for playback afterward).

This session aims at exploring some of these …

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Flexible Fail-over Policies Using MySQL and Global Transaction Identifiers

<< Previous Post: Advanced use of Global Transaction Identifiers

As we saw in my previous posts, Global Transaction Identifiers in MySQL 5.6 allow you to change the replication topology arbitrarily. You don't even need to specify the positions in the replication stream – when you turn on auto-positioning, the master automatically sends only those transactions that are missing on the slave.

When you do a fail-over, you want to make sure that the new master is up-to-date. For instance, consider the following scenario:
Server A is a master; B, C and …

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Advanced use of Global Transaction Identifiers

Details of Re-execution and Empty Transactions << Previous post: Failover and Flexible Replication Topologies in MySQL 5.6
Next post: Flexible Fail-over Policies Using MySQL and Global Transaction Identifiers >>

This post was kindly translated to Japanese by Ryusuke Kajiyama.

In my previous post, we saw how GTIDs are generated and propagated, we described the new replication protocol, and we saw how these simple elements fit together to …

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Failover and Flexible Replication Topologies in MySQL 5.6

Global Transaction Identifiers – why, what, and how Next post: Advanced use of Global Transaction Identifiers
This post was kindly
translated to Japanese by Ryusuke Kajiyama.

In MySQL 5.6 we introduced a new replication feature called Global Transaction Identifiers, or GTIDs. While there are many use cases, our primary motivation for introducing GTIDs is that it allows for seamless failover. By this, we mean promoting one of the slaves to be come a master, if the master crashes, with minimal manual intervention and service disruption.

This is the first in a series of several blog posts. We will go through several use cases and show how easy it is to do a failover. We explain …

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