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Displaying posts with tag: undo (reset)
Improvements to Undo Truncation in MySQL 8.0.21

Undo Tablespaces can be truncated either implicitly or explicitly in MySQL 8.0. Both methods use the same mechanism. This mechanism could cause periodic stalls on very busy systems while an undo tablespace truncate completes. This problem has been fixed in MySQL 8.0.21.…

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Online Truncate of InnoDB UNDO Tablespaces

We have received a lot of requests from our user community regarding the ability to  truncate UNDO tablespaces (‘truncate’ here means that the size of the tablespace is reset back to what it was when it was first created). We are happy to say that we’ve now been able to implement this anticipated feature.


The InnoDB UNDO tablespace(s) host rollback segments that hold rollback information related to database changes. This information is used to rollback a transaction and to retrieve the previous version of a record that has been updated or deleted for multi-version concurrency control (MVCC). Once a transaction is committed, InnoDB will discard the related UNDO log records. UNDO log records for updates or deletes will be kept around as long as there exists an open transaction that may access older versions of the records. When all such open transactions are committed then the associated UNDO log records can …

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