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Displaying posts with tag: weather (reset)
The Needle in Big Data Noise

Read the original article at The Needle in Big Data Noise

Join 5500 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. Also take a look at: I hacked Disqus Digests to discover new blogs Who the heck is Bayes Thomas Bayes was a scientist & thinker, Fellow of the Royal Society, and back in 1763 author of “An Essay toward Solving a Problem in the Doctrine [...]

For more articles like these go to Sean Hull's Scalable Startups

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Weather station

I wanted to add a weather station to my home automation system for a number of reasons...

  • watering lawn (temperature, season, moisture, dew point)
  • weather (temperature, chance of rain)
  • historical (collect data over years)

In 2006, I bought the weather station WS2300 and integrated it in a number of ways.

  • I have a sizable MySQL database, so using the mysql2300 module, I stick weather data into the database every 10 minutes

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