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Displaying posts with tag: tar (reset)
Backup and data streaming with xbstream, tar, socat, and netcat

On April 4th 2012 Xtrabackup 2.0 was released in to GA by Percona along with a new streaming feature called xbstream. This new tool allowed for compression and parallelism of streaming backups when running xtrabackup or innobackupex without having to stream using tar, then pipe to gzip or pigz, then pipe to netcat or socat to stream your backup to the recipient server. This resulted in …

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Chain Copying to Multiple hosts

This week I was given the task of repopulating our entire primary database cluster.  This was due to an alter that had to be performed on our largest table.  It was easiest to run it on one host and populate the dataset from that host everywhere.

I recalled a while back reading a blog post from Tumblr about how to chain a copy to multiple hosts using a combination of nc, tar, and pigz.  I used this, with a few other things to greatly speed up our repopulation process.  As I was repopulating production servers, I did a combination of raw data copy and xtrabackup streams across our servers, depending on the position in our replication setup.

For a normal straight copy, here’s what I did:

On the last host, configure netcat to listen and then pipe the output through pigz and tar to …

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