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Displaying posts with tag: cdn (reset)
This Week in Website Performance

This Week in Website Performance is a weekly feature of the blog. It summarizes recent articles about website performance. How to make yourweb site better, how to improve your users experience when they come to your website and how to optimize the overall experience. Why? Because your friends at care.

Improving website performance – 10 tips

Author: palepurple.

Discussed in this short article are 10 useful tips for a LAMP (Linux/apache/mySQL/PHP) based website. This is a nice round up of various tips seen in many similar articles. It’s a great way to get started if you are getting into performance optimization on this platform, or maybe it’s time to take another look to be sure things are …

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This Week in Website Performance

This Week in Website Performance is a weekly feature of the blog. It summarizes recent articles about website performance. Why? Because your friends at care.


Author: Jeroen Remmerswaal.

As your site gains users and load increases, performance can suffer. Scaling to meet demand with expected performance is not always a simple task. This simple and straightforward article covers how to scale your site effectively. From determining current baseline and making projections to fine tuning the setup, this covers the bases. A fine monitoring setup is very helpful, and we at Monitis can help you with …

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5 Tips to Cache Websites and Boost Speed

Read the original article at 5 Tips to Cache Websites and Boost Speed

Often when we think about speeding up and scaling, we focus on the application layer itself.  We look at the webserver tier, and database tier, and optimize the most resource intensive pages.

There's much more we can do to speed things up, if we only turn over the right stones.  Whether you're using WordPress or not, many of these principals can be applied.  However we'll use WordPress as our test case.

Test Your Website speed

There are web-based speed testing tools that will help with this step.  Take a look at Webpagetest , …

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