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Displaying posts with tag: mysql build errors (reset)
Building MariaDB 5.3 on Windows

I just wanted to share my steps for building MariaDB 5.3 on Windows. (Note, this is not much different than the instructions Wlad posted here).

But, things are not always so smooth, and of course I ran into a couple small issues, so I wanted to share my outputs plus those issues and their solutions (once again many thanks go to Wlad!) for those out there who might encounter the same.

Here are the steps to build:

  1. Download MariaDB 5.3 and extracted to C:\mariadb-5.3
  2. cd C:\mariadb-5.3
  3. mkdir bld
  4. cd bld
  5. cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"
  6.     cmake --build . --config relwithdebinfo --target package


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MySQL 5.5 Windows Build Appendix : Full Outputs and Common Errors from Building MySQL 5.5 on Windows

The other day, I posted a “how-to” article for building MySQL 5.5 on Windows from the source code tree.

In an attempt to keep the post as brief as possible, I omitted many outputs, as well as a number of common bugs/problems one could encounter, and so I just wanted to follow-up with some of that in this “appendix” of sorts.

This way, folks who run into any issues might find solutions to those problems here.

I’ll start with the outputs first, followed by the common problems.

Outputs (When works as expected):


Output from Obtaining Source Code:

C:\Users\Chris>cd C:\

C:\>bzr init-repo --trees mysql-5.5
Shared repository with trees (format: 2a)
  shared repository: mysql-5.5

C:\>cd mysql-5.5

C:\mysql-5.5>bzr branch lp:mysql-server/5.5 mysql-5.5
Connected (version …
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