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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
30 terabyte per night

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope is making news once more. Its projected data inflow of 30 Terabyte per night has caught to the imagination of slashdot readers. Why is this interesting? Because it was not news to me.

You may recall that I was enthusiast about a Astronomy, Petabytes, and MySQL at the MySQL Users Conference 2008, and with reason. The engineers at Stanford have a plan of storing petabytes of data into a cluster of MySQL databases.
The technical …

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MySQL UC2009 - Little innovation so far

MySQL Community, I am disappointed.

Innovation Everywhere is the theme of the Users Conference and Expo 2009, and yet, in the proposals that I have received so far I have seen very little innovation. Few daring technical proposals. Few accounts of truly novel exploits.

Instead, I've seen very similar topics to past years, without the spark of experimentation that we look for as an extra spice for the year where the topic is Innovation.

If I look at Planet MySQL, I see plenty of movement. New projects, new releases of old projects, people trying exciting technologies, others combining old technologies with new platforms. And yet, some of the people who are posting these exciting news are …

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Attending the Systems trade fair in Munich (October 21st-24th)

This year's Systems trade fair will take place from October 21st-24th in Munich, Germany. Sun will be present there with a stand in the exhibition area (Hall B2, Stand 329) and we also sponsor a conference themed "Perspective Open Source" that will provide half-day sessions (in German) about opensource-related topics throughout the week.

Some highlights of what we'll present on our stand:

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Attending the Systems trade fair in Munich (October 21st-24th)

This year's Systems trade fair will take place from October 21st-24th in Munich, Germany. Sun will be present there with a stand in the exhibition area (Hall B2, Stand 329) and we also sponsor a conference themed "Perspective Open Source" that will provide half-day sessions (in German) about opensource-related topics throughout the week.

Some highlights of what we'll present on our stand:

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Startup Scalability Strategies @ Startonomics

Tomorrow morning I am presenting a session, Startup Scalability Strategies, at Startonomics, a conference being organized by Dave McClure and Deal Maker Media. The sessions will be streamed live using UStream. Check the Startonomics website at for more details.

Also check out my guest blog post titled How Important Is Scalability written for Startonomics blog.

My proposals for the Users Conference 2009

In addition to participating to the reviewing committee for the Users Conference 2009, I have also ambitions of being there as a speaker. Thus I am thinking about the topics I could talk about.
Being the theme of the conference "innovation everywhere", I will not propose any of my previous talks (as I hope everyone else will, since I will strike all the carbon copy proposals).

I have some ideas already.

A tutorial on partitions
Since I have done much testing and writing on partitioning, I feel the need of presenting something in public. Performance, administration, use cases, are all aspects of partitioning with which I am well acquainted.
Row-based replication
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MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009 - Call for participation is still open!

The call for participation for the MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009 has been open for a month, and it will last for a few weeks more.

The CfP is open until October 22nd, 2008. The theme for the conference is Innovation Everywhere. If you have something innovative in mind and want to submit a proposal, hurry up!

Before you submit, make sure you read the guidelines. That will help you making a better proposal, with more chances of being accepted.

MySQL Conference 2009, Open Source Databases MiniConf at

It is no secret that I am the Program Chair for the MySQL Conference & Expo 2009, and am truly excited about it (big shoes to fill in from Jay). I expect it to be a great conference, with over 2,000 attendees and lots and lots of great talks. The paper submissions have been coming through, the excellent voters have been voting, and the progress is impressive. Its a great learning experience.

Now, I’m excited to tell you that I’m also going to organise the Open Source Databases MiniConf at 2009. Its going to be in Hobart, Tasmania, in January 2009, and again, I’m excited. Read the …

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First pictures from Software Freedom Day in Riga, Latvia

Greetings from the University of Latvia in Riga, where the local activities related to Software Freedom Day 2008 are in full swing! We've just finished the introductionary talk "Software freedom in Latvia"  by Evijs Taube (LATA) and Leo Trukš

First pictures from Software Freedom Day in Riga, Latvia

Greetings from the University of Latvia in Riga, where the local activities related to Software Freedom Day 2008 are in full swing! We've just finished the introductionary talk "Software freedom in Latvia"  by Evijs Taube (LATA) and Leo Trukš

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