The MySQL Community team will be supporting the following events during the summer and we will be present at some of them ! Please come to visit us ! Northeast PHP August 9-11, 2017, Charlottetown, PEI Canada We are happy to invite you to Northeast PHP where MySQL Community team is having a booth. Please find David Stokes, the MySQL Community Manager at MySQL booth in expo area. Dave also submitted a talk on “JSON, Replication, and database programming” which we hope will be accepted. Please watch the conference agenda for further updates. We are looking forward to talking to you there! More information / registration: UbuCon LA Lima, Peru, August 18-19, 2017 MySQL Community team is supporting this event as …
[Read more]Time is running out to submit a talk for OpenWorld 2017 that will table place on October 1–5, 2017 in San Francisco, CA. If you are looking for inspiration on what talk to submit, we encourage you to submit a case study. We would love to hear how you are using MySQL as part of your data platform, and your experiences in upgrading to InnoDB Cluster with MySQL 5.7. Talks on how you are testing MySQL 8.0 are also welcome
The call for papers will be open until May 1st 2017. Please submit now!
The MySQL team is constantly improving and innovating the product… this time, after having put particular attention to DBAs and operators with Group Replication & InnoDB Cluster, let’s have a look to what we can also bring to developers.
Let’s start with the following challenge:
Add 5 books from scratch with all their metadata (authors,
isbn, edition, year, …) in last than 5 minutes using only MySQL
Shell in command line !
Do you thinks this is not possible ? Check the video below:
Amazing isn’t it ?
If you want to learn more about this, please attend Mike Zinner & Alfredo Kojima’s session at Percona Live next week:
Want to get your web development ideas in
front of a live audience? The
call for papers for the ConFoo Vancouver 2017 web
developer conference is open! If you have
a burning desire to hold forth about PHP, databases, JavaScript,
or any
other web development topics, we want to see your proposals. The
window is
open only from April 10 to May 8, 2017, so hurry. An added
benefit: If your
proposal is selected and you live outside of the Vancouver area,
we will
cover your travel and hotel.
You’ll have 45 minutes for the talk, with 35 minutes for your
topic and
10 minutes for Q&A. We can’t wait to see your proposals!
Until the talks are picked, the price for the tickets will be at
lowest. Once …
Welcome to another post in the series of Percona Live featured session blogs! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the session speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these sessions can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!
In this Percona Live featured session, we’ll meet the folks at SelectStar, a database monitoring and management tool company. SelectStar will be a sponsor at Percona Live this year.
I recently came across the SelectStar database monitoring product. There are a number of monitoring products on the market (with the evolution of various SaaS and …
[Read more]Yesterday I was invited to speak at the “Jeudis du Libre” in Mons.
The location was very special as it was in one auditorium of Polytech, the oldest university in the city of Mons.
I presented in French two very hot topics in the MySQL ecosystem:
- MySQL InnoDB Cluster
- MySQL as Document Store with JSON datatype & X plugin
Those are very new technologies illustrating MySQL’s innovation. And of course there is much more to come with MySQL 8 !
Here are the slides if you are interested:
Jeudis du Libre – MySQL InnoDB Cluster from Frederic Descamps
[Read more]FOSDEM 2017 is over, I brought back home the flu…. but hopefully not only !
Indeed this 2017 edition was very rewarding. We started our FOSDEM with a “fringe” : pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day where we highlighted MySQL 8.0 new features and hosted some talks from MySQL friends.
This first edition of the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day was a great success. We had up to 70 attendees! I would like to thanks all the speakers: Morgan Tocker, Bernt Marius Johnsen, Øystein Grøvlen, Kenny Gryp, Jean-François Gagné, Dag H. Wanvik, …
[Read more]Let’s finish these pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day Sessions reviews with Kenny Gryp‘s talk on MySQL Group Replication.
Kenny is working at Percona as MySQL Practice Manager.
Group Replication went Generally Available end of 2016, it introduces a (virtually) ‘synchronous’ active:active multi-master replication, in addition to asynchronous and semi-synchronous replication, the latter 2 being available in in MySQL for longtime.
As with any new feature, and especially with introducing
active:active multi-master replication, it takes a while before
companies are adopting the software in production database
For example, even though MySQL 5.7 has been GA for more than a
year, adoption is only starting to increase recently.
We can, and should, expect the same from Group …
[Read more]One of the talk will replaced in the schedule by a panel discussion moderated by Morgan Tocker on MySQL Group Replication & MySQL 8.0.
The panel list will be composed of
Kenny GrypRené CannaòØystein GrøvlenMark LeithFrédéric Descamps
These experts will answer questions from Morgan and from the audience.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to ask your questions and participate to this discussion about MySQL.
The schedule:
Start | End | Event | Speaker | Company | Topic |
Friday 3rd February | |||||
09:30 | 10:00 | Welcome ! … |
Let’s finish this pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day Sessions review week with Norvald Ryeng‘s talk on MySQL 8.0 and GIS.
As you know pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day will take place on Friday February 3rd in Brussels. During this day dedicated to MySQL and focusing on 8.0, Norvald will be on stage at 16.50 to check if you are ready for MySQL 8.0’s GIS implementation.
Many great things are happening to GIS in MySQL 8.0. But in order to move forward, we also have to break legacy behavior. What will change? How? Why? And what can I do to avoid problems when I upgrade?
Join Norvald for a tour of changes and recommendations that you
can start following today to make your data and applications
ready for the future.
If …