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Displaying posts with tag: s3 (reset)
Don McAskill - People I met at MySQL Conference

"The two metrics that are most important to me are first customer satisfaction and second growth." - Don McAskill

Today, I noticed Don is featured on Sun's customer success stories page:

Don McAskill is the CEO and Chief Geek of Smugmug, a photo and now hi-def video (using H.264) sharing site with a successful business model behind it.

I initially met Don last year at the MySQL Conference when my then boss told me that he is interested in meeting him. That was my introduction to Smugmug. I was impressed by SmugMug's presentation of photos and the care they took to make your photos and galleries look awesome.

This year, as a member of Smugmug, me and my wife got to interact with Don on a personal level.

We had several suggestions related to how our …

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A contract

Yesterday morning, I had an initial face-to-face meeting with a prospective client. We met at the Victrola Cafe. He's putting together a pretty neat Web2.0 custom app. My first task for him will be writing a little process that monitors a particular public database and writes changes into S3, to start capturing a historical timeline. There is a great deal of additional AWS, DB, and web client programming work I am qualified to do for him.

Today, I pulled together a software developement contractor contract, rewrote a bit of it to be aware of open source licencing "stuff", and then emailed it off to him, along with my rate and time estimate.

More Fame, in

Wow. 160 people in have bookmarked my project.

Amazon S3 Storage Engine for MySQL

I got an email today from O'Reilly today about the MySQL Conference (coming up at the end in April), it looks like a pretty good conference, but one of the sessions caught my eye. It was called A Storage Engine for Amazon S3.

Amazon's S3 is a web apt-oriented storage service, making storage available to both ordinary HTTP browsers and to sophisticated applications via SOAP and REST interfaces. Learn how useful it is to make this storage accessable to MySQL users via a plug-in storage engine.

I did some quick googling but I couldn't find the plugin, so I am guessing that it will be released at the conference. Anyone have a link?

This gets interesting when combine this with Amazon EC2, because you are not charged for bandwidth from within amazon's network, and you are connected to S3 on a fast network.

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