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3rd Belgian MySQL UG meetup!

It's time for the 3rd Belgian MySQL UG meetup! this time we head to Leuven where L2U expects us the day after Valentine and Geert will be talking about his trip to Orlando

How to delete duplicate rows with SQL, Part 2

By reader request, this article explains ways to remove duplicate rows when they are completely identical, and you don't have a primary key or other criterion to identify which rows to "save."

Visiting SolidDB

I and David went to go visit Solid DB yesterday. They are one of the
companies now producing storage engines for MySQL. You can find a
copy of their engine here:

What is special about their engine? Its transactional engine, MVCC
engine, that has foreign keys. It keeps the transaction in memory
until it is time to commit. More about their own technical
information here:

We spent the time going over changes the loadable engine interface,
which includes the I_S for loadable interface. I also got to see a
preview of what they will be showing at the MySQL User's Conference (which I am excited
to see …

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So does Pooling Connections buy me anything?

Every so often I have someone ask me "does it really matter if I pool

The answer is yes!

We are currently looking at patches for MySQL to disconnect thread
context from actual threads (and yes, that means that if I can get
some bugs worked out I will have a copy of MySQL running with
libevent, Monty is working on a Windows and Solaris specific patch).
I was curious though about the current context cost so I rigged up a
million row insert test with the number of threads growing by a
hundred at each test run.

The run used:
~/mysqlds/5.1/bin/mysqlslap --create=create2.sql --query="INSERT
INTO accesslog VALUES (1,'GET','4428','HTTP/1.1','/','lastnode_id=305&node_id=2802','','',NULL,N
ULL,'somedork','2006-08-28 08:32:28')" --

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MySQL with 44% share of the global RDBMS market

According to analyst firm Evans Data Corp, MySQL has a 44% share of the global RDBMS market making it the #1 database in the world. The article explains all the basic stuff about MySQL, with information such as where it started, what it is for or what systems it runs on. My favourite is “What makes it special?”

EDC’s research among users found that proprietary database servers were “almost twice as likely” as MySQL servers to have suffered a security breach.

According to MySQL AB, using MySQL can reduce database licensing costs by 90%, and administration, engineering and support costs by up to 50%. There is also a 60% reduction in downtime. …

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Ideas For a New and Improved PlanetMySQL

I continue to work on figuring out why some feed entries aren't making it into the PlanetMySQL aggregated feed database. Even with all the logging printouts I've added, some feeds continue to get left out; I'm not sure if it is a Magpie caching issue or not, but that's the first place I'm going to examine. In the meantime, if you know your feed entries are not making it into the planet feed, please shoot the community team an email at community at mysql dot com and let us know the details of the feed so that we can diagnose the issues.

While working on the planet code, I started thinking about ways that we can improve the PlanetMySQL website and functionality. One of the most frequent issues that I hear come up is the sheer volume of items that get aggregated by PlanetMySQL (when it's working correctly of course... ) and the fact that some folks just don't care about certain blog entries …

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Windows Vista Ultimate installation (update 2)

Now since I reinstalled Vista 32bit version and its up and running, lets go through what works what don’t.

  1. Daemon Tools (check)
  2. Microsoft Office (check)
  3. Trillian (check)
  4. VMWare Server (CHECK!)
  5. Diskeeper 10 (Nope, apparently I have to go download an update for Vista, postponed)

Ok now the fun part starts. How to get everything working the way I want to.

I need to start my Fedora virtual machine so I can get some development/testing done. And a wall I hit. It says that I don’t have permissions to open the file. I am logged in as a user which belongs to Administrators group. So why do I not have permission? Well let me copy it to desktop and see if that works. Voila! it does! Ok.. I will let this one go since I have already wasted my whole weekend getting Vista going.

OK.. so lets change my hosts file so I can point some domain names to …

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Two New MySQL Storage Engines

In the last month we've had two updates of new transactional storage engines for MySQL.  Falcon, the new storage engine developed by DBMS guru Jim Starkey is now in Alpha.  And PBXT, from Paul McCullugh at PrimeBase has a new Beta available with referential integrity.  Both use the new storage engine facilities of MySQL 5.1 and are important developments giving more choice to developers building transactional applications.  I'm sure there will be more information on these and other storage engines at the …

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In Stockholm

OK, I am in Stockholm, at a development meeting. Stockholm is a nice city. It has soul, and it is smart. Probably the best European capital I've been to.

This is my first impression - so far I've seen only a few quarters and the road from the airport. But something tells me it'll stay that way. Maybe I need not see the city and an image is ready made. I like the roads, the houses with walls that are 4-5 bricks thick. And it's the first airport with oaken parquetry floors I've been to.

Tomorrow is a day to revisit some prehistoric server problems, such as Bug#989. Need to get back to preparing my lot.

PS I can't make my P990 work with Linux. So no photographs until I get back home.

Why do you need many apache children ?

I already wrote kind of about same topic a while ago and now interesting real life case makes me to write again

Most Web applications we're working with have single tier web architecture, meaning there is just single set of apache servers server requests and nothing else - no dedicated server for static content, no squid in front nothing else. This architecture is frequently used even for medium size web sites which have millions of page views per day.

Typically single Apache server in this configuration will have rather high MaxClients settings (in hundreds) and would argue web site performance suffers if the value is decreased, only few however understand why they need MaxClients to be set to some high number. …

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