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Ruby on Rails and Reporting at Boston MySQL Meetup

Made it out to the Boston MySQL meetup tonight. I haven't been out for awhile, is nice to be back and see folks.

Tonight Brian DeLacey talks about Ruby on Rails and Reporting, looking at MySQL through the eyes of Ruby. Interesting that when Brian asks MySQL folks about the languages that they use there are folks from all walks; Perl, PHP, Ruby, Java, Python. And many hands that go up for two, three or four languages. I wonder how MySQL users compare with other DBMS system users as far as multi programming language experience and use.

Brian essentially is giving an introduction to Ruby, Rails, and then digs down into how it interacts with MySQL looking at ActiveRecord and concluding with how to get down to the direct SQL layer.

A side note: Brian lives right cross the street from me and also works at home. A post is brewing about that and some of the interesting intersections of our work.

Daylight Saving Time Changes

This year many American states and Canadian provinces will switch to daylight saving time on March 11 (the second Sunday of March) instead of switching on the first Sunday of April as happened during previous years.

A DBA's Guide to the MySQL User's Conference

I live in absolute and abject poverty. No, I don't mean financially - I've been blessed beyond what I deserve and MySQL pays me very well. What I mean is that I am utterly time poor. Isn't it amazing how you can be so free in terms of lifestyle and yet have so little time to enjoy and benefit from it all? There are so many options and choices in the world that many times you have a hard time knowing just what to say "Yes" to and what to turn down.

Trust me - you'll face this dilemma at the upcoming MySQL User's Conference. Our chairman, Jay Pipes, has outdone himself and put together the most engaging and power-packed agenda that we've ever had. The presenter's list reads like a who's who in the open source and modern database world, with sessions that address everything from deep dives down into database internals to the business side of implementing online database applications. You will find yourself hard-pressed to put together a …

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MySQL Conference & Expo - Heavy on customers, light on fluff

Want to know where the US Navy, Flickr, United Online, NASA, Facebook, Ticketmaster, Google, and others are going to be hanging out April 23-26 in Santa Clara, CA? The MySQL Conference & Expo. I'm not normally one for conferences (which sounds strange, given that I started one), but this is one of those foundational events that it's important not to miss. (I'll also be at the Red Hat Summit for the same reason.)

When Tim O'Reilly is on the board, MySQL must be doing something right. What it's doing is making lots of money, providing lots of free downloads, to lots of mission-critical applications. And if you want to grok how and why, it's good to …

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Compiling MySQL from Source

OK, I just upgraded to a MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo. Generally the binary distributions are easier to work with, but I need SSL connections capability, so I have to compile from source to have that feature included. Her is how...........

I Really Like MySQL

I really like MySQL. I definitely would recommend it for any enterprise database beginner with the only caveat being that you should configure your /etc/my.cnf paying attention to using innodb as the default table engine.....

Compiling MySQL from Source

OK, I just upgraded to a MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo. Generally the binary distributions are easier to work with, but I need SSL connections capability, so I have to compile from source to have that feature included. Her is how...........

I Really Like MySQL

I really like MySQL. I definitely would recommend it for any enterprise database beginner with the only caveat being that you should configure your /etc/my.cnf paying attention to using innodb as the default table engine.....

MySQL 5.0.37 Community Server, Contributions and Binaries


We have a release of MySQL Community Server that contains community-provided contributions and it is ready for your download in binary form.

Thanks to Jeremy Cole for providing us with the SHOW PROFILE patch. Quoting our Reference Manual at


SHOW PROFILE [type [, type] … ]


The SHOW PROFILES and SHOW PROFILE statements display profiling …

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MySQL GUI Tools Release 10

The MySQL GUI Tools team has recently shipped release 10 of their full set of tools.  This is a bundle that includes the GA versions of

  • MySQL Administrator 1.2.10
  • MySQL Query Browser 1.2.10
  • MySQL Migration Toolkit 1.1.10

The GUI team has spent the last few months fixing all of the bugs that they could find in these products (and not adding new features!)  So if you've tried out some of the tools previously and had compatability issues, this is a good time to take them out for another test run.  These tools are available in a single download version and provide easy ability to graphically configure, manage and …

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Showing entries 38021 to 38030 of 43781
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