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Work at Germany's hottest LAMP powerhouse

Schon wieder diese langweilige CMS-Seite, die du zum tausendsten Mal bauen musst? Das Gefühl zu haben, nicht richtig mit dem KnowHow vorwärts zu kommen, vielleicht weil du auch alleine als Freelancer unterwegs bist, es aber schöner wäre, mit Kollegen zusammen zu arbeiten und sich gegenseitig mit KnowHow zu befruchten? Das muss nicht sein, denn Mayflower sucht DICH.

An unseren Standorten in München und Würzburg entwickeln wir Highend Anwendungen für Intranet und Internet. Beispiele:

  • Deutschlands größtes Video on Demand Projekt auf Basis von OXID e-Sales, mit DRM-, SOA- und Payment-Anbindung
  • Die Fernparametrisierung von Heizanlagen mit intelligenter Datenanalyse und Anbindung an …
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unixODBC UNICODE and Possible New Look & Feel

unixODBC has had support for UNICODE for quite some time but UNICODE was never implemented in the installer and setup layers. Nick has been working to implement this recently and I have been testing it out during MySQL C/ODBC v5 development.

I have been creating a new look & feel for the unixODBC web site which I hope will get used once its complete. This also involves cleaning up, updating, and enhancing some of the documentation.

Oh; almost forgot. Nick and I both had some work to get the Qt3 code to support being built in Qt4… Nick got to the finish line first

Connector/ODBC v5 Meeting in Germany

The Connectors team at MySQL has been reorganized and includes additional resources. It seemed fitting to have a meeting for those working on C/ODBC v5.

We had a week long meeting in Germany at a place called Bad Herrenalb (since 4 of the new resources are living in Germany).

By the end of the meeting we had a revised development plan in place with tasks assigned and target dates set.

Connector/ODBC v3 (3.51.14) Released

More resources have been allocated to the Connectors team at MySQL and most of them are focused on either C/ODBC v3 bug fixs or C/ODBC v5 development.

The folks working on C/ODBC v3 have been knocking off bugs at speedy pace. The Engineering team have been lending their time as well by taking over the build-to-release process. Still others are working on improving QA by adding new tests and creating a new automated process to run them.

This work has resulted in a new release of C/ODBC v3.

To start or not start the MySQL server during the RPM installation?

So far, the MySQL Server RPM packages as provided by MySQL AB used to automatically start the mysqld process after the package has been installed. It has been like that since the very beginning and we think of it as a convenience for our users when they want to get up and running quickly.

However, Kristian raised an interesting point in BUG#27072 where he points out that automatically starting mysqld during the RPM installation might not always be the desired behaviour, especially in automatic installation environments or during a fresh installation (where the system might not be fully configured yet). Therefore he proposes to change this behaviour to not start mysqld as part of the installation.

While I personally agree with his proposal, this is of course a tricky decision: our users are familiar with …

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Unofficial LAMP & Cacti VA builds posted

These two builds represent a major milestone for Virtual Appliances- they are the first appliances we have released that have shell access enabled!

That’s right! For everybody who asked for shell access, it is now enabled! Tasks such as migrating existing Cacti data, adding/editing cronjobs, or editing the php.ini file in the LAMP VA are now easily possible using the shell.

Other new/improved features include:

  • Improved networking configuration - now supports static routes (user requested feature)
  • Cacti VA exports pseudo-root filesystem containing scripts and resource directory from Cacti installation. This allows end-user installed Cacti plugins & extensions.
  • Cacti VA is now an easily expandable two virtual hard disk configuration, which allows for simple expansion to accomodate polling more data for large sites.
  • Updated PHP, MySQL, and other binaries. …
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HTTP High Availability with Wackamole

This is a distilled version of the talk I gave at the phpug Dortmund in March. I'll concentrate on the High Availability aspect here but I won't leave out Load Balancing completely. Also, this is in English while the talk was in German.

High Availability and Load Balancing

High Availability and Load Balancing are often used in combination if not synonymous which is as wrong as it can get. They certainly do have some things in common (several machines do something) and they are often needed at similar times (when a website becomes more important) but the fundamental ideas are quite different.

While Load Balancing spreads incoming http requests over several machines this is not a highly available setup. High Availability …

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Want a free ride to MySQL Conference & Expo?

Proven Scaling will sponsor three people to attend the MySQL Conference and Expo 2007 in Santa Clara, California, April 23-26!

That’s right, we will pay for your airfare and hotel, transport from the airport, and even a stipend for meals! MySQL AB has graciously provided us with conference passes for the Free Ride winners, so the winners will each receive a full conference pass.

Go to Proven Scaling Free Ride to enter. The deadline is midnight PDT (GMT-7), Friday March 23rd (just over a week away), so do it soon!

I look forward to reading your entries — and I hope to see you there!

Beware: MySQL - Implicit Transaction Commit and Rollback

Today I had a hard time dealing with mysql and transactions. Somehow my transaction has been committed in the middle of the statements. A short look into the manual revealed that there are SQL command that implicit commit a transaction. While I do understand that CREATE TABLE commits a transaction, I was surprised that LOAD DATA INFILE does it too!

And since I use the nice REPLACE INTO SELECT ... workaround found on mysqlperformanceblog (Hint: Always a great resource!) I had to upgrade my development mysql server because since version 5.0.28 LOAD DATA INFILE does not commit a transaction.

MySQL manual

PHP Quebec Slides

Today I spoke on MySQL at PHP Quebec. Here are my slides.. It was a first time giving this presentation, so feel free to email feedback to morgan [[at]]

Database migration is an old favorite, so I'm looking forward on speaking again tomorrow!

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