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Google Summer of Code: MySQL Auditing Software

On Monday August 20th, 2007, the Google Summer of Code officially ended. I have had a great time this summer, although it has not always been sunshine and flowers! Because of the nature of the Summer of Code, setbacks due to lack of knowledge were not a problem. It’s expected that the students don’t know everything!

So mostly the setbacks were organizational. I had 2 students working on MySQL Auditing Software, which I have tentatively (and very geekily) called OughtToAudit. One student was working on the administrative interface, where access to the auditing program and the auditing rules themselves are defined. As well, reporting on suspicious activity as well as the rule-breaking activity could be seen. The other student was working on a pcap (libpcap, winpcap) engine to store all database traffic. Why pcap? One of the main tenets of auditing is that the auditing system is independent of the system to be audited. Part of this is for …

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?Tis the Season of Code

Well, it’s official:

I am officially mentoring 2 students for MySQL, AB for the Google Summer of Code. I have great hopes for the MySQL Auditing Software. My first tasks: familiarize myself with different types of regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA, and the MySQL Coding Standards.

This summer is going to be great!

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