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Displaying posts with tag: nokia (reset)
Because we can: MySQL talks with Johan Wikman, Father of MySQL on Symbian/S60. (part 2 of 3)

Continued from Part 1

Q: But, we digress... so let me instead ask you the question everyone asks me when they hear about Apache and MySQL on a mobile phone: Why on earth would anyone want to do THAT?

Because we can:)

No seriously, there are good reasons. If we assume that it makes sense to run a web server on your mobile (see further down for reasons for that) and the web-server you use is Apache, then it's quite obvious that you also want to provide both PHP and MySQL. After all, some 40% of all web-sites in the world are powered by (L)AMP, so if you provide the same environment on the mobile, you have hundreds of thousands of developers who are familiar with the stack.

But, in my mind, there are also compelling reasons to have a proper database on the mobile. Currently, the way …

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Because we can: MySQL talks with Johan Wikman, Father of MySQL on Symbian/S60. (part 1 of 3)

By the end of 2007, to the surprise of many of us, a guy at Nokia Research Center announced that they had ported and were about to publish the full LAMP stack running on the Symbian/S60 platform of Nokia mobile phones. They dubbed this the Personal AMP stack: PAMP, and you can run most of the popular PHP apps like Wordpress, Drupal, phpMyAdmin... out of the box on a Nokia phone now.

Today we had the opportunity to have a chat with Johan Wikman, the man leading the efforts of porting the AMP stack to Symbian. Johan works as Principal Research Engineer at Nokia Research Center and as such has also previously participated in porting other interesting things to Nokia phones, such as the Linux kernel, eventually leading to what maemo is today.

There is an interesting "it's a small world" aspect in that Johan used to study at Helsinki University of Technology about the same time as …

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Because we can: MySQL talks with Johan Wikman, Father of MySQL on Symbian/S60. (part 1 of 3)

By the end of 2007, to the surprise of many of us, a guy at Nokia Research Center announced that they had ported and were about to publish the full LAMP stack running on the Symbian/S60 platform of Nokia mobile phones. They dubbed this the Personal AMP stack: PAMP, and you can run most of the popular PHP apps like Wordpress, Drupal, phpMyAdmin... out of the box on a Nokia phone now.

Today we had the opportunity to have a chat with Johan Wikman, the man leading the efforts of porting the AMP stack to Symbian. Johan works as Principal Research Engineer at Nokia Research Center and as such has also previously participated in porting other interesting things to Nokia phones, such as the Linux kernel, eventually leading to what maemo is today.

There is an interesting "it's a small world" aspect in that Johan used to study at Helsinki University of Technology about the same time as …

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Because we can: MySQL talks with Johan Wikman, Father of MySQL on Symbian/S60. (part 1 of 3)

By the end of 2007, to the surprise of many of us, a guy at Nokia Research Center announced that they had ported and were about to publish the full LAMP stack running on the Symbian/S60 platform of Nokia mobile phones. They dubbed this the Personal AMP stack: PAMP, and you can run most of the popular PHP apps like Wordpress, Drupal, phpMyAdmin... out of the box on a Nokia phone now.

Today we had the opportunity to have a chat with Johan Wikman, the man leading the efforts of porting the AMP stack to Symbian. Johan works as Principal Research Engineer at Nokia Research Center and as such has also previously participated in porting other interesting things to Nokia phones, such as the Linux kernel, eventually leading to what maemo is today.

There is an interesting "it's a small world" aspect in that Johan used to study at Helsinki University of Technology about the same time as …

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2008 The Year of the Acquisition: Microsoft Bids on Yahoo!, Amazon buys Audible

Is 2008 going to be the Year of the Acquisition? Activity in 2007 was on the rise but now things seem to be at full speed.

  • I remember when Alta Vista and Excite! were the hot search engines, my how the world has changed.  It looks like it’s narrowing down to a two horse race with Microsoft putting the moves on Yahoo! for about $44.6 billion (Notes from SearchEngineLand). I guess it’s really on now, Google versus Microsoft in a search engine death match.
  • Yahoo! acquired Zimbra last year. I wonder …
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Trolltech: Another Open Source Company Get?s Gobbled Up

Today Nokia announced their intention to acquire an open source tools manufacturer, Trolltech.

Trolltech is an open source company by virtue of their dual-licensing of the QT tool kit that is used by a number of products but probably most notably the KDE desktop. Though they do dual license and sell commercial proprietary products as well.

The Nokia deal was reported in kroners …

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