What if I want the cluster to be less sensitive to network, especially WAN latency?
Continuent Clustering supports having clusters at multiple sites with active-active replication meshing them together.
This is extraordinarily powerful, yet at times high network latency can make it harder for messaging between the sites to arrive in a timely manner.
This is evidenced by seeing the following in the Manager log
files named tmsvc.log
2018/07/08 16:51:05 | db3 | INFO [Rule_0604$u58$_DETECT_UNREACHABLE_REMOTE_SERVICE1555959201] - CONSEQUENCE: [Sun Jul 08 16:51:04 UTC 2018] CLUSTER global/omega(state=UNREACHABLE) ... 2018/07/08 16:51:42 | db3 | INFO [Rule_2025$u58$_REPORT_COMPONENT_STATE_TRANSITIONS1542395297] - CLUSTER 'omega@global' STATE TRANSITION UNREACHABLE => ONLINE
The delta is 37 seconds in the above example between state=UNREACHABLE and UNREACHABLE => ONLINE
The default …
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