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Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.38 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.38 (release notes, download). This release incorporates all changes to MySQL 5.7.38, adding a synchronous option for your MySQL High Availability solutions.

In MySQL 5.7.38, we now distinguish between unset ssl_mode and ssl_mode explicitly set to “DISABLED”, because previously ssl_mode=DISABLED was ignored in the xtrabackup-v2 script.

This is a rare release where you are also meant to continue using the Galera replication library 3.37 implementing the wsrep API version 25, from the previous release, as there was no changes made to the Galera replication …

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The Enhanced dbForge Tools for MySQL v9.1 Are Out!

Meet the long-awaited release of dbForge tools for MySQL. We have enhanced them with a few new features that will surely come in handy.  However, the foremost thing in this update is that our tools now can run on Linux and macOS through CrossOver, a solution that helps launch Windows applications on different operating systems. […]

The post The Enhanced dbForge Tools for MySQL v9.1 Are Out! appeared first on Devart Blog.

Building Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 with RocksDB Storage Engine on macOS

In Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.29-21, we added one more patch that helps us to build server code on macOS. To be precise here, we still could do this even before this patch but only partially. Now it is possible to build RocksDB Storage Engine as well.

A word of disclaimer here, at the moment, by macOS we still understand macOS for Intel x86_64 architecture (the most recent ARM versions with Apple M1 / M2 processors are out of the scope of this blog post). Moreover, Percona does not provide …

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Galera Manager updated to handle DigitalOcean updated API tokens

A few weeks ago, we did a Galera Cluster webinar on Managed Galera Clusters on DigitalOcean.

Some of you may notice that the current version of Galera Manager is 1.6.4, and one of the major fixes we have in there is to support the new API token format of DigitalOcean. DigitalOcean has documented this here: Updated API Tokens new management features: in partnership with GitHub –Secret Scanning, Prefixes, and more! and as a consequence we needed to update to accept new API tokens, or it would fail in deployment. If you’re wondering how to create a …

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Preventing Stale Reads on Percona XtraDB Cluster by Enforcing Causality Checks on a Per-Query Basis

When we run a SELECT in a replica server and it returns a different result to the one we would have obtained had we queried the source server instead, due to changes in the dataset that have not yet been replicated or synchronized to the replica, we get what is known as a stale read. My colleague Marcelo has blogged about Stale Reads and How to Fix Them before.

The need to avoid stale reads is a constraint that leads people into migrating to Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) / Galera Cluster or, more recently, Group Replication. I am focusing on PXC and Galera in this short blog post, which, similar to Group Replication, implements not exactly a synchronous replication model but what is commonly referred to as a …

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How to build MySQL 8.0 C API (libmysqlclient)

If you write C applications that need to connect to MySQL, you can use the MySQL C API aka libmysqlclient. The MySQL C API replaces the outdated MySQL-Connector-C.

If you want to use MySQL 8.0 as a Document Store with the X Protocol, you need then to use MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.

Some have asked how to compile only the MySQL C API.

Compiling only libmysqlclient

As the FAQ stipulates it, it’s not possible to only build the library. However, as mentioned in the documentation, it’s possible to reduce the amount of compiled products with some …

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[Solved] Aurora MySQL, Innodb and Indexes: Creating index required more than ‘innodb_online_alter_log_max_size’ bytes of modification log. Please try again.

The challenge If you have a large MySQL table and you're trying to add a new column and index it, you may have ran into this error:

Creating index 'Name' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes 
of modification log. Please try again.

So how can you address it?

The solution

By default, recent MySQL versions will execute the ALTER statement with the INPLACE flag (unless it's eligible for INSTANT alter, though that's not always the case). this means that the database is using a temporary log (size of innodb_online_alter_log_max_size) which is by default 128MB in most recent versions, to keep track of DML changes happening during the ALTER command. So if the database is executing an UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE during the ALTER, it will keep track of those changes in the temp file, and then after the ALTER is done, it will apply those changes to the table as well.
So you have several options we can …

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Is SQL Programming

Is SQL, or Structured Query Language, a programming language? That’s a great question! A question that many answer with emphasis: “No, SQL is not a programming language!” There are some who answer yes; and they usually qualify that answer with something like: “SQL is a programming language designed to communicate with relational databases.”

It strikes me that those saying “yes” are saying that SQL is only a collection of interface methods to read from and write to a database engine. Those saying SQL is not a programming language often qualify that a programming language must have conditional logic and iterative structures, which don’t exist in SQL.

There’s a third group that are fence sitters. They decline to say whether SQL is a programming language, but they also say individuals who only write SQL aren’t programmers. That’s a bit harsh from my perspective.

Before …

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A graph a day, keeps the doctor away ! – MySQL History List Length

This is the second article of the series dedicated to MySQL trending.

As I wrote before, understanding your workload and seeing the evolution of it over time can help anticipating problems and work on solutions before the breakdown.

This article covers MySQL History List Length also known as HLL.

MySQL History List is related to InnoDB Undo Logs. InnoDB is a multi-version storage engine (MVCC). It keeps information about old versions of changed rows to support transactional features such as concurrency and rollback. This information is stored in undo tablespaces in a data structure called a rollback segment.

This means that you can start a transaction and continue to see a consistent snapshot even if the data changed by other transaction. This behavior is related to the …

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Is MySQL Statement-Based / Mixed Replication Really Safe?

The binary logging format in MySQL has been ROW by default since MySQL 5.7, yet there are still many users sticking with STATEMENT or MIXED formats for various reasons. In some cases, there is just simple hesitation from changing something that has worked for years on legacy applications. But in others, there may be serious blockers, most typically missing primary keys in badly designed schemas, which would lead to serious performance issues on the replicas.

As a Support Engineer, I can still see quite a few customers using STATEMENT or MIXED formats, even if they are already on MySQL 8.0. In many cases this is OK, but recently I had to deal with a pretty nasty case, where not using ROW format was found to cause the replicas to silently lose data updates, without raising any replication errors! Was it some really …

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