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Displaying posts with tag: OTN (reset)
OTN MySQL conference slides

2010 has been the first year I have re-presented any of my developed MySQL presentations. Historically I have always created new presentations, however Paul Vallee gave me some valuable advice at UC 2010. In the past two weeks I’ve traveled to seven countries in South America on the OTN LA tour where I have been speaking about and promoting MySQL.

My three current presentations have been improved and even simplified, more future improvements are planned. There is definitely a benefit in repeating a good presentation multiple times.

My SQL Idiosyncrasies That Bite OTN View more …

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MySQL Best Practices for DBAs and Developers

This is one of the MySQL presentations I’m doing on the OTN LAD Tour in South America, starting today in Lima, Peru.

MySQL Best Practices for DBAs and Developers

Learn the right techniques to maximize your investment in MySQL by knowing the best practices for DBAs and Developers. Understand what subtle differences between MySQL and other RDBMS products are essential to understand in order to maximize the benefits and strengths of MySQL. We will be covering areas including the minimum MySQL configuration, ideal SQL, MySQL security and schema optimizations.

  • MySQL Configuration default settings including SQL_MODE
  • Documenting, formatting and future proofing your SQL
  • Developing and reviewing all SQL paths
  • MySQL physical and user security
  • The best schema optimizations
  • Essential Monitoring and …
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OTN Interview about MySQL

I was interviewed by Justin Kestelyn the OTN Senior Director about MySQL at Oracle Open World this week.

Some highlights of the questions asked:

  • 0:55 Since the close of acquisition has there been any change in direction?
  • 2:23 How have your clients and customers responded to the acquisition?
  • 3:53 You mentioned that Oracle will bring added advantages and could infuse invocation.
  • 5:15 InnoDB and MySQL are now both owned by Oracle. What do you see as the development advantages?
  • 6:47 What were your thoughts on the first MySQL Sunday?
  • 8:58 Forks?
  • 11:04 Contact Details

You can view the Video online or play below.

Bloggers Meetup @ Oracle OpenWorld 2010

It’s that time of the year again — Oracle OpenWorld time — and it’s my pleasure to announce our regular Oracle bloggers meetup again this year. We all know that Oracle community has grown this year so we expect to see folks from all the different technologies including MySQL, Java, Sun hardware folks in addition to the core Oracle database and apps crowd.

So… all of you Oracle bloggers attending Oracle Open World 2010
… you are invited to attend this Oracle Bloggers Meetup during OOW 2010 — a chance to meet your online buddies face-to-face in relaxed and informal atmosphere.

When: Wed, 22-Sep-2010, 5:30pm

Where: Lower Dining Room, Jillian’s Billiards

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Oracle resources for the MySQL Community

While I have spent a lot of time recently helping the MySQL community interact with and integrate with various Oracle User Groups including ODTUG, IOUG, NoCOUG, NYOUG, DAOG I thought I’d share some resources for the MySQL Community that wanted to know more about Oracle.

The Oracle family of products is huge. You only have to look at the acquisitions via Wikipedia to get an idea. The first thing is to narrow your search, e.g. Database, APEX, Middleware, BI, Hyperion, Financials, development via Java, PHP or Oracle Forms etc.

While Oracle is a commercial product you can download all software for FREE via Oracle Technology Network. There is also documentation, forums, blogs and events.

Some Oracle bloggers I have already been reading however I’m expanding my list. People you may want to …

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