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Displaying posts with tag: Freedom (reset)
A bunch of MySQL/Sun engineers at Software Freedom Day

About 250 MySQL/Sun engineers are meeting in Riga, Latvia, for the annual internal MySQL Developers Meeting. 250 sounds like a large number. And a group picture is quite impressive.

Today is Software Freedom Day, which is organized at the local university, and includes talks by Mark Callaghan (Google), Mårten Mickos (MySQL), Domas Mituzas (Wikimedia Foundation).

The full program also mentions free beer, which is an irresistible combination!

Marten Mickos at the Software Freedom Day in Riga, Latvia

Mårten Mickos, SVP of Sun Database Group, will speak on MySQL as the platform for the web economy at the Software Freedom Day at the University of Latvia.

The program of the event includes sessions on several open source matters, and a practical workshop on MySQL performance tuning.

Workshop and prize at Software Freedom Day

During MySQL/Sun developers meeting in Riga, Latvia, we will celebrate the Software Freedom Day in cooperation with the University of Latvia and other organizations.

One of the events taking place will be a workshop on MySQL optimization, held at the Linux Center computer lab at the University, under the supervision of Jay Pipes, one of the major experts in MySQL performance tuning.

The best performer at the workshop will be awarded a very appropriate prize. A copy of …

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250 Sun/MySQL engineers at Software Freedom Day in Riga

The Software Freedom Day 2008 is approaching. The event will take place wherever you want. If you are interested, just register a team, gather a few friends, and start organizing that in your street, at a local pub, in your university, or wherever you see fit.

MySQL people are very conscious about open source, and we decided to participate to the event somehow. For starters, Sun is a sponsor, and that is a good sign that we care. But we need also to make our presence known. So the initial plan was that every Sun community would encourage its members to create a local Software Freedom Day team and participate.

However, on September 20, the designated day, 250 Sun/MySQL engineers will be in Riga, Latvia, in the middle of our annual developers meeting.

Not a …

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Using a Mac is “selling out”

I was just reading The Big Mac Dilemma, who asks:

is using a Mac “selling out” from your OSS ideals?

and I’d like to be very unfriendly and answer unequivocally… YES.

Just like anything else non-free, it tempts you with shiny baubles and the promise of making all of your wishes come true. And just like anything else non-free, it shackles you into a sub-standard environment all the while telling you that your computer is now obviously superior. ( Really? Oooh.. bouncing icons…)

I’ve been working on Drizzle recently, and in the not-so-terribly-long time we’ve been working together, we’re already having to deal with people from the OSX camp complaining about library dependencies. I can’t ingore them, because like Eric was saying, just about all the developers these days are running either OSX or Ubuntu. However, it …

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Oracle buys Sleepycat

April 1st is still more than a month away and at least one rumour about Oracle’s upcoming purchases is true: today the software giant annnounced their acquisition of Sleepycat Software, the makers of Berkeley DB (and various other products).

One interesting point is that Berkeley DB was already seeing competition from SQLite (which is an excellent, fast and free (as in beer and freedom) RDBMS). I wonder how much the acquisition is going to drive adoption of SQLite?

Additionally, Oracle now owns both half of MySQL’s transactional storage engines, which perhaps gains them another measure of control over the Swedish upstart. (The other engines are …

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