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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Proxy (reset)
Watch the New Webinar: An Introduction to Database Proxies (for MySQL)

As hinted at earlier this month, we’re happy to announce our latest on-demand webinar:
An Introduction to Database Proxies (for MySQL)

In this webinar, Gilles Rayrat, our VP of Engineering and database proxies guru, shares some of his knowledge on the world of database proxies, how they work, why they’re important and what to use them for.

Starting with a simple database connectivity scenario, Gilles builds up the content by discussing clustered databases and what happens in the case of a failure through to explaining the important role database proxies play; including a more in-depth look into some advanced database connectivity setups and proxies functionalities.

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Database Proxy for MySQL — Any New Kid on the Block?

A database proxy is a wonderful tool that is able to provide significant functionality across various use cases. For example, a seamless master role switch to another node for maintenance; transparency with read and write connections; or providing automatic, intelligent database load balancing.

In the MySQL world, these proxies provide a single entry point into MySQL databases for the calling client applications. Or put differently, the proxy is a middle layer sitting between a MySQL database and an application. The application connects to a proxy, which then forwards connections into the database.

Good proxies make MySQL database clusters appear like single databases by hiding the “behind-the-scenes-plumbing” from the application. One …

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WarpSQL now has SQL shim plugins

I made some improvements to the 'proxy' inside of MySQL 5.7 that I've created for WarpSQL (Shard-Query 3).  I've made the MySQL proxy/shim pluggable and I moved the SQLClient to sql/  I've merged these changes into 'master' in my fork.

Now you can create "SQL shim" plugins (SHOW PASSWORD is implemented in plugin/sql_shim) and install them in the server like regular plugins:

-- command doesn't work
mysql> show password;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'password' at line 1

-- install the example sql_shim plugin:
mysql> install plugin sql_shim soname '';                                                                 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

-- now the command works
mysql> show password;
|  |
|  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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WarpSQL now has SQL shim plugins

I made some improvements to the 'proxy' inside of MySQL 5.7 that I've created for WarpSQL (Shard-Query 3).  I've made the MySQL proxy/shim pluggable and I moved the SQLClient to sql/  I've merged these changes into 'master' in my fork.

Now you can create "SQL shim" plugins (SHOW PASSWORD is implemented in plugin/sql_shim) and install them in the server like regular plugins:

-- command doesn't work
mysql> show password;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'password' at line 1

-- install the example sql_shim plugin:
mysql> install plugin sql_shim soname '';                                                                 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

-- now the command works
mysql> show password;
|  |
|  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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SQL injection in the MySQL server! (of the proxy kind)

[this is a repost of my blog post, because it did not syndicate to]

As work on WarpSQL (Shard-Query 3) progresses, it has outgrown MySQL proxy.  MySQL proxy is a very useful tool, but it requires LUA scripting, and it is an external daemon that needs to be maintained.  The MySQL proxy module for Shard-Query works well, but to make WarpSQL into a real distributed transaction coordinator, moving the proxy logic inside of the server makes more sense.

The main benefit of MySQL proxy is that it allows a script to "inject" queries between the client and server, intercepting the results and possibly sending back new results to the client.  I would like similar functionality, but inside of the server.

For example, I would like to implement new SHOW commands, and these commands do not need to be …

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SQL injection in the MySQL server! (of the proxy kind)

[this is a repost of my blog post, because it did not syndicate to]

As work on WarpSQL (Shard-Query 3) progresses, it has outgrown MySQL proxy.  MySQL proxy is a very useful tool, but it requires LUA scripting, and it is an external daemon that needs to be maintained.  The MySQL proxy module for Shard-Query works well, but to make WarpSQL into a real distributed transaction coordinator, moving the proxy logic inside of the server makes more sense.

The main benefit of MySQL proxy is that it allows a script to "inject" queries between the client and server, intercepting the results and possibly sending back new results to the client.  I would like similar functionality, but inside of the server.

For example, I would like to implement new SHOW commands, and these commands do not need to be …

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Spil Games hackday: research MaxScale

Spil Games hackday At Spil Games we organise a monthly hackday (actually the last two Thursday/Friday of the month) where several teams try to hack something in limited amount of time. The only rules for the hackday are: make something cool, keep it simple, document it, learn something and have fun. In general it means time is […]

The post Spil Games hackday: research MaxScale appeared first on Spil Games Engineering.

MySQL Proxy lives – 0.8.4 alpha released

I was surprised to see that there is a 0.8.4 alpha release of MySQL Proxy released just a few days ago (it has been quiet for more than a year). Download it. Many of the bugs fixed are only referenced in an internal bug tracker according to the changelog. There are still about 83 bugs open in the public tracker. I reckon it is good news since it means its still getting some love from the Oracle MySQL team.

Related posts:

  1. MySQL 5.1.26-rc released, and developer resources thoughts
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Added a Table of Contents

Not a big deal, but I just added a “Table of Contents” page to my blog to make finding older articles much easier.

I noticed most of my posts are quite lengthy, and it can take a bit of searching/clicking to find an older entry. So unless you happen to recall the ‘month/year’ it was published, which I don’t even remember that, then hopefully this will help.

Really simple, and looks just like this:

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Proxy Trace Revisited with MySQL Proxy 0.8.2

Back in January 2010, I wrote an article titled Proxy Trace : Tracing the Variables and Functions Available within MySQL Proxy.

That post was basically a lua script I posted which traces the steps of Proxy, outputting comments as it traverses through the various functions, and then outputs the names and values of [most of] the available variables available within Proxy.

That script worked fine with Proxy 0.7.2 and 0.8.0. It also works just fine with Proxy 0.8.1 (though you need to specify your admin settings in 0.8.1) and 0.8.2 (admin values not necessary).

However, I did go ahead and build it out a little further.

I did not add too much, but I did add the following (the full script, trace.lua, is provided at the end of this post):

  • Outputs backends.type variable
  • Expanded the rows returned outputs (returns more detailed row …
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