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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL A&D (reset)
Working with MySQL on SSD

I’d like to start this post or entry registering that even SSD cards or disks provides very low latency and faster random reads/writes, I consider that it’s new to MySQLers and at least on MySQL World. New based on the information we can find on the internet in form of collaboration to make it to […]

Fast Index Creation really matters

In one of the recent projects I’ve got involved, I had a situation where I started reviewing the data model so as to find any additional or unnecessary indexes on tables. The scenario is that one where the database was recently moved from MyISAM to InnoDB Storage Engine. So, considering that there are some critical […]

How to change the number or size of InnoDB Log Files

This week I was approached by a friend who was not aware of the resource available in 5.6 although it’s being very well commented and has been used by many that received that as a very good new feature. In fact, it was a bit intrusive to change transaction log sizes and the # of […]

Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

It’s very nice when you find some very good and well explained messages in the MySQL error log and the ENGINE INNODB STATUS output. The very good part of the story is to know where you must go to check problems regarding some resources. This is not from today that we’ve seen many messages regarding […]

MySQL 5.6 Thread Pool

Tendo em vista o problema já discutido aqui neste blog com relação à escala de conexão de usuários versus criação de threads no MySQL versus sistema operacional – no caso, um CentOS 6.0 – decidi recentemente parar para dar uma lida no manual do MySQL e verificar nos mínimos detalhes o que a feature promete. […]

Got an error reading communication packets

O nome desse post é exatamente a mensagem de erro que você provavelmente poderá receber ao verificar o estado de saúde do seu servidor de bancos de dados MySQL, nesse caso, um MySQL 5.0. Na semana atual estou trabalhando com um cliente localizado no Brasil que tem cerca de 1502 conexões simultâneas no MySQL, este […]

Estressando o MySQL com o mysqlslap

Não é de hoje que é necessário efetuar vários testes antes de colocar um servidor em produção e para isso, as vezes os testes que a turma de desenvolvimento elabora não são os melhores na visão do administrador de bancos de dados. Na verdade, os dois times precisam estar juntos e alinhados para a realização […]

Agilizando a carga de dados e restore no MySQL

Muitos são os amigos que escrevem perguntando como agilizar a carga de dados ou restore de um backup no MySQL. Realmente, dependendo do tamanho do seu hardware, configuração dos Storage Engines e variáveis per-client e design do seu banco de dados, esse processo poderá levar várias horas caso alguns cuidados não sejam tomados antes do […]

Little comments about InnoDB

Hello everyone, here we go for a new blog post and now treating about InnoDB inside MySQL 5.5 and as you should now, this new version uses InnoDB Plugin version 1.1 which one has a lot of new adjustable resources. What most caught my attention was the impressed way that users could adjust it to have [...]

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