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Displaying posts with tag: tutorial (reset)
Learning #MySQL at SoyData.Net

This entrance is dedicated to a new website for learning #BigData in spanish: What is It is a collaborative online training platform on all matters relating to data in spanish. It now has 15 fully uploaded and available courses to which they have registered more than five hundred people in just two weeks. These courses address specific high demand technologies like Hadoop, MongoDB, R and cover key areas such as visualization, cloud computing or Structured Query Language (SQL). It also provides an introduction to #BigData concept for more

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Solution to Error 1067 Can’t start the server on MySQL

As I already wrote here, a week later after reporting this bug (because I change the datadir property on the config file my.ini) I didn’t have a solution for error 1067 Can’t Start service on MySQL 5.6.10. Now, you can read how I solve it!! How the error 1067 araise If you would like to raise the error, jsut install a MySQL 5.6.10 server, and modify the path where data is saved on the config file. Easy!! Trying in a new machine A pesar del error, uno siempre piensa more

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MySQL server health: the error files

As I already wrote on previous entrances, modify a few parameters while configuring the MySQL server can raise Error 1067 Can’t Start the Server  (still in spanish but being publish soon).Thanks to this error, I improve the knowkedge about MySQL, config the server, performance … although the topics I like the most is database design. But, you have to keep on learning, haven’t you? Navigating thrugh MySQL bugs I would like to thank the MySQL error team because I could know good practices every MySQL DBA should follow due more

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Mi tutorial sobre optimización de consultas para la Percona Live London 2014 (e información importante si deseáis asistir)

El lunes de la próxima semana, 3 de noviembre, impartiré un tutorial de la mayor conferencia europea de MySQL, la Percona Live London 2014. El tema es una continuación natural de la que impartí el año pasado en el mismo lugar, “Optimización de consultas con MySQL 5.6: trucos nuevos y viejos“. Este año me centraré en los últimos cambios en el optimizador que podemos encontrar no sólo en los ya publicados 5.6 y MariaDB 10, pero también alguna de las características de los todavía en desarrollo MySQL 5.7 y MariaDB 10.1. Algunos de los temas de este taller, que he titulado “Optimización de consultas con MySQL …

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Let’s try MariaDB

I should have written this entrance before, because the original in spanish was published on September 2013, one year ago! After installing MySQL and all the entrance related to MySQL upgrading versions, here for 5.6 and here for 5.7, I must try MariaDB. Let’s try MariaDB 10 It has been on alpha state (in developing …

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Esta entrada Let’s try MariaDB es contenido original de Manejando datos - Blog de bases de datos y programación. This entrance Let’s try MariaDB is created by Manejando datos - Blog de bases de datos y …

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common schema. Listing Functions and stored procedures with its dependencies

Let’s keep on learning more about common_schema. In today’s entrance, let’s introduce two more functionalities, very cool for developers, because they are related with funcions and stored procedures. Let’s begin with stored procedures (SP). If you need a list of all stored procedures of our server, just type this SQL sentence: SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS; However, …

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common schema. Listado de Procedimientos y Funciones y sus dependencias

Seguimos destripando common_schema. Ahora vamos a ver 2 nuevas funcionalidades, muy interesantes para los desarrolladores, pues se trata de ver las dependencias que tienen los procedimentos y las funciones. Empezando por los procedimientos, para tener un listado de los procedimientos de nuestro servidor, escribiremos: SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS; Sin embargo, esta sentencia no es del todo …

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Moving from MySQL 5.5 to MySQL 5.6. Step 6. My first bug report

After a few entrances talking about how to move from #MySQL 5.x to versión MySQL 5.6 (what I write is also valid for MySQL 5.7 although you need to know that MySQL 5.7 doesn’t work under Windows XP), I am going to tell you two reflections: The acquisition of MySQL database from ORACLE has been …

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MySQL 5.6 Config file. Step 5

In previous steps, you could read about creating database backups, how to unistall and install a MySQL server, and how to start working with a new MySQL version, in our case, 5.6.10. Remember the step 2 On step 2 (from moving from MySQL to 5.6.10) I wrote about the important role of the file my.ini, …

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Moving from MySQL 5.5 to 5.6. Step 4: Starting with MySQL 5.6.10

On previous post, I already wrote about how to create a database backup, how to unistall a MySQL version, ad how to install a new MySQL version, in this case, MySQL 5.6.10. If you are new to MySQL, you can think … “Well,  I have installed MySQL server, now .. what can I do?“. Starting …

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