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Displaying posts with tag: Databases (reset)
The mecanism of indexing on MySQL-MariaDB

In previous entrance related to MySQL and MariaDB I wrote one entrance related to why indexing is important, when working with databases (the article is only in spanish, but I will translate into english), and later, how to force MySQL-MariaDB to use a specific index that it is not the one chosen by MySQL (also… Read More »The mecanism of indexing on MySQL-MariaDB

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Faster method: TRUNCATE or DROP a table?

I am working a a project in the University and I need to re-create a table. For that task, I’m thinking in two ways: using TRUNCATE, or dropping the table and create it again. TRUNCATE is a SQL sentence that empties a table, and for using it, you need to be granted as using DROP… Read More »Faster method: TRUNCATE or DROP a table?

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Learning #MySQL at SoyData.Net

This entrance is dedicated to a new website for learning #BigData in spanish: What is It is a collaborative online training platform on all matters relating to data in spanish. It now has 15 fully uploaded and available courses to which they have registered more than five hundred people in just two weeks. These courses address specific high demand technologies like Hadoop, MongoDB, R and cover key areas such as visualization, cloud computing or Structured Query Language (SQL). It also provides an introduction to #BigData concept for more

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Install Sys_Schema on MySQL – MariaDB

If you are a database administrator, it could be really useful to hava available good tools. When this blog started, I already wrote about frameworks for MySQL DBA, and I’ve read several entrances about common_schema, another useful framework under the MySQL-MariaDB ecosystem. Today it’s time for Sys Schema, a collection of views, functions and procedures to help MySQL administrators get insight in to MySQL Database usage, so let’s install it. Install SYS on Windows The project is available to download on GitHub:, so, I downloaded it and unzip more

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Linking MySQL-MariaDB under MS Access

Today’s entrance pretend to give you two good recommendations, after a whole morning busy trying to solve a simple cuestion. The objective is linking a table that lives on a MySQL o MariaDB server on Microsoft Access, using ODBC (using MS Access as a MySQL front-end). This simple task, can be too dramatic if you …

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Esta entrada Linking MySQL-MariaDB under MS Access es contenido original de Manejando datos - Blog de bases de datos y programación. This entrance Linking MySQL-MariaDB under MS Access is created by …

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Common-schema: redundant keys on MySQL-MariaDB

Let’s keep on learning more and more about common-schema, and I execute a query about redundant keys: SELECT * FROM common_schema.redundant_keys; The result to this query informs me that these keys are, literally, redundant, and the optimal solution si to remove them. Also, the query has more interesting information! After this, you think: “Well, if …

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Esta entrada Common-schema: redundant keys on MySQL-MariaDB es contenido original de Manejando datos - Blog de bases de datos y programación. This entrance Common-schema: …

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