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Displaying posts with tag: Oracle Parallel Server (reset)
Database Architectures & Performance II

As described in the prior post, the shared-disk performance dilemma is simple:

1. If each node stores/processes data in memory, versus disk, it is much faster.
2. Each node must expose the most recent data to the other nodes, so those other nodes are not using old data.

In other words, #1 above says flush data to disk VERY INFREQUENTLY for better performance, while #2 says flush everything to disk IMMEDIATELY for data consistency.

Oracle recognized this dilemma when they built Oracle Parallel Server (OPS), the precursor to Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC). In order to address the problem, Oracle developed Cache Fusion.

Cache fusion is a peer-based shared cache. Each node works with a certain set of data in its local cache, until another node needs that data. When one node …

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