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Displaying posts with tag: Tunning (reset)
It’s about Time.


This post started with a simple question: “Does the function NOW() get executed every time a row is examined?” According to the manual,  “Functions that return the current date or time each are evaluated only once per query …. multiple references to a function such as NOW() … produce the same result. …. (However,) as of MySQL 5.0.12, SYSDATE() returns the time (the row is) executes. “

  • CURDATE() returns the current date.
  • CURTIME() returns the current time.
  • UTC_DATE() returns the current UTC date.
  • UTC_TIME() returns the current UTC time.
  • NOW() return the current date and time.
  • UTC_TIMESTAMP() returns the current UTC date and time.
  • SYSDATE() returns the date and …
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Does Size or Type Matter?

MySQL seems to be happy to convert types for you. Developers are rushed to complete their project and if the function works they just move on. But what is the costs of mixing your types? Does it matter if your are running across a million rows or more? Lets find out.

Here is what the programmers see.

mysql> select 1+1;
| 1+1 |
|   2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select "1"+"1";
| "1"+"1" |
|       2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


What if we do a thousand simple loops?  How long does the looping itself take?

The BENCHMARK() function executes the expression expr repeatedly count times. It may be used to time how …

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MySQL Network Connections


If your MySQL server has hundreds of clients (applications) and tens of thousands of queries per second,  MySQL default network settings may NOT be for you.  Network performance is not often a significant factor in the performance of MySQL.  That said, there are things to consider.

If you are building new applications make these changes now.  Developer expectations are hard to change.  My example below will break your application if  developers open a database connections and then spend ten minutes playing with their play doe before making a query.  If you have working applications …

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MySQL master/slave support merged into Linux-HA

(Re-posted from Florian’s blog.)

MySQL replication support for the Pacemaker cluster manager (the stuff that we explained in this webinar) has made it into the Linux-HA resource agents default branch. If you are interested in testing — and you should! — please read the extended announcement. Feedback is extremely welcome on the linux-ha-dev mailing …

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