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Displaying posts with tag: government 2.0 (reset)
The growing importance of data journalism

One of the themes from News Foo that continues to resonate with me is the importance of data journalism. That skillset has received renewed attention this winter after Tim Berners-Lee called analyzing data the future of journalism.

When you look at data journalism and the big picture, as USA Today's Anthony DeBarros did at his blog in November, it's clear the recent suite of technologies is part of a continuum of technologically enhanced storytelling that traces back to computer-assisted reporting (CAR).

As DeBarros pointed out, the message of CAR …

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Gov 2.0 Week in Review

This week's review comes as the nation comes to grips with the expanding scope of its worst environmental disaster in living memory, as the extent of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico becomes more clear. Despite the dire circumstances, the fact that I was able to stream President Barack Obama's first address to the nation from the Oval Office using the White House app on my iPhone as I walked home was a reminder of new ways government can use technology to share information. When I arrived home, I was able to stream the rest of the speech from, coupled with real-time press reaction on Twitter. And after the speech, I watched a real-time YouTube question and answer session with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and White House new media director Macon …

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