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Displaying posts with tag: registry (reset)
Performing an Unattended Uninstall of MySQL in Windows

The MySQL Installer is an easy way to install and maintain your MySQL installations on Microsoft Windows.

It comes not only with the database server and documentation, but also with the underrated MySQL Workbench, and various connectors and support utilities such as MySQL for Excel. Modifying the installed products or uninstalling them is also fairly straightforward: 

 Start -> All Programs -> MySQL -> MySQL Installer -> MySQL Installer

This launches the Maintenance window of the Installer GUI, and gives you the options:

  • Add/Modify Products and Features
  • Check for Updates
  • Remove MySQL Products. …
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Running MySQL Cluster as a Service on Windows

The MySQL Cluster daemon for MySQL Cluster (ndbd and ndb_mgmd) doesn't by themselves yet let them run as a service (apparently ndb_mgmd does, but I haven't seen it documented anywhere on how to do that). But there are ways to fix this, using some simple Windows tools and some registry hacking.

What you need to find is the Windows Resource Kit from some version of Windows that includes instsrv.exe and srvany.exe. It is not too picky with the actual version of Windows you run it seems, I used the Windows NT 32-bit versions of these on a 64-bit Windows 7 box, and it works just fine.

These two programs are simple and are easy to use:

  • instsrv allows you to install a service, it's real simple, just run the program and it will show the options (and these are few).
  • srvany allows you to run any odd program, that is not intended run as a service, do do this anyway.

Now, Google a …

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