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Displaying posts with tag: Craig Shallahamer (reset)
A review of Guerrilla Capacity Planning by Neil Gunther

Guerrilla Capacity Planning

Guerrilla Capacity Planning. By Neil J. Gunther, Springer 2007. Page count: about 200 pages, plus appendixes. (Here’s a link to the publisher’s site.)

Of all the books I’ve reviewed, this one has taken me the longest to study first. That’s because there is a lot of math involved, and Neil Gunther knows a lot more about it than I do. Here’s the short version: I’m learning how to use this in the real world, but that’s going to take many months, probably years. I’ve already spent about 10 months studying this book, and …

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A review of Forecasting Oracle Performance by Craig Shallahamer

Forecasting Oracle Performance

Forecasting Oracle Performance. By Craig Shallahamer, Apress 2007. Page count: about 250 pages. (Here’s a link to the publisher’s site). Short version: buy it and read it, but make sure you don’t rely on it alone; deepen your knowledge through other sources.

I bought and read this book because I’m interested in performance, performance forecasting, and capacity planning. I’m not interested in forecasting Oracle performance per se. However, I have noticed that there is a lot of good literature in the Oracle arena that can apply to other databases (*cough* …

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