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Displaying posts with tag: Analytic Appliance (reset)
Promises, Promises

I was contacted by Doug Henschen on Monday for an article he was writing for Intelligent Enterprise on Oracle’s just announced promises to the European Commission regarding MySQL.  It turns out Doug was polling all the major open source data warehousing and business intelligence vendors to get our perspectives on the promises, and it appears as if we all had roughly the same response:  “cautious optimism” as Doug put it.

Having invented the industry’s first SQL Chip that improves the performance and scalability of reporting and analytics for MySQL by 10x – 1000x, we have been keenly interested and aware of Oracle’s announced intent to acquire Sun, and along with it MySQL.  While we have architected our product to work with other database management systems …

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Promises, Promises

I was contacted by Doug Henschen on Monday for an article he was writing for Intelligent Enterprise on Oracle’s just announced promises to the European Commission regarding MySQL.  It turns out Doug was polling all the major open source data warehousing and business intelligence vendors to get our perspectives on the promises, and it appears as if we all had roughly the same response:  “cautious optimism” as Doug put it.

Having invented the industry’s first SQL Chip that improves the performance and scalability of reporting and analytics for MySQL by 10x – 1000x, we have been keenly interested and aware of Oracle’s announced intent to acquire Sun, and along with it MySQL.  While we have architected our product to work with other database management systems …

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