Last spring, we added a feature that allows the user to see the progress of writes in a statement. Vadim liked it. In 2.2.0, in “show processlist”, we add progress information on reads.
Here is an example of what “show processlist” displays on an update:
mysql> show processlist \G *************************** 1. row *************************** Id: 1 User: root Host: localhost db: test Command: Query Time: 7 State: Queried about 1576008 rows, Updated about 197000 rows Info: update foo set a=9 where a=8
Here is an example of what “show processlist” displays on an insert that requires a query:
mysql> show processlist \G *************************** 1. row *************************** Id: 1 User: root Host: localhost db: test Command: Query Time: 6 State: Queried about 1542001 rows, Inserted about 771000 …[Read more]