“The web is broken you can all go home now.”
Ramus Lerdorf — Father of PHP — MySQL Conference 2007
“The web is broken you can all go home now.”
Ramus Lerdorf — Father of PHP — MySQL Conference 2007
?What ever advice you got, keep it to yourself, your not the target market.”
Red Hat & One Laptop Per Child UI Designer to bunch of suits - MySQL Conference 2007
“MySQL is at the heart of revolutionary changes in the computer industry” - Tim O’Reilly
Hmmm, worthy of my Quote of the Day Section, but is it necessarily true. I believe MySQL is significant in the advancement of great opportunities in the computer industry particularly the Internet, but is it revolutionary?
The Oxford Dictionary states: revolutionary ? adjective ? involving or causing dramatic change or innovation.
Perhaps so. Any Comments Welcome.
Stolen shamelessly from the MySQL User Conference Web Site Banner.
“The key, the whole key, and nothing but the key, so help me
The database guys should like that one. Can’t remember where I saw it today to acknowledge reference.