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Displaying posts with tag: istanbul (reset)
Şerefe! – The MariaDB Knowledge Base in Istanbul

Monty Program along with various guests and our friends at the recently founded SkySQL recently wrapped up a meeting in Istanbul Turkey. Sadly it rained most days but we had a good time and got a lot done.

Besides learning how to say “Şerefe” which is “Cheers” in Turkish, we discussed the future of MariaDB, our companies goals, the MariaDB knowledge base and many other topics. Since I am the web guy, I lead the presentation / talk on the KB and thought I would share some highpoints of it with you.

If you don’t know, the KB is located at The goal is to provide one location for MariaDB and MySQL documentation along with a place to ask questions (and have developers actually answer them). To start we have both information licensed under the GPL about …

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Olio on 6-core Opterons (Istanbul) based Sun Systems

Sun is launching systems with multisocket  6-core Opterons (Istanbul) today. Last week I got access to  Sun Fire X4140 with 2 x 6-core Opterons with 36GB RAM. It is always great to see such a 1RU system packaged with so many x64 cores.

# psrinfo -vp The physical processor has 6 virtual processors (0-5)   x86 (chipid 0x0 AuthenticAMD family 16 model 8 step 0 clock 2600 MHz)     Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8435 The physical processor has 6 virtual processors (6-11)   x86 (chipid 0x1 AuthenticAMD family 16 model 8 step 0 clock 2600 MHz)     Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8435

I decided to take the system for a test drive with Olio. Olio is a Web 2.0 toolkit consisting on a web 2.0 event calendar application  which can help stress a system. Depending on your favorite scripting language you …

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Olio on 6-core Opterons (Istanbul) based Sun Systems

Sun is launching systems with multisocket  6-core Opterons (Istanbul) today. Last week I got access to  Sun Fire X4140 with 2 x 6-core Opterons with 36GB RAM. It is always great to see such a 1RU system packaged with so many x64 cores.

# psrinfo -vp The physical processor has 6 virtual processors (0-5)   x86 (chipid 0x0 AuthenticAMD family 16 model 8 step 0 clock 2600 MHz)     Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8435 The physical processor has 6 virtual processors (6-11)   x86 (chipid 0x1 AuthenticAMD family 16 model 8 step 0 clock 2600 MHz)     Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8435

I decided to take the system for a test drive with Olio. Olio is a Web 2.0 toolkit consisting on a web 2.0 event calendar application  which can help stress a system. Depending on your favorite scripting language you …

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Olio on 6-core Opterons (Istanbul) based Sun Systems

Sun is launching systems with multisocket  6-core Opterons (Istanbul) today. Last week I got access to  Sun Fire X4140 with 2 x 6-core Opterons with 36GB RAM. It is always great to see such a 1RU system packaged with so many x64 cores.

# psrinfo -vp The physical processor has 6 virtual processors (0-5)   x86 (chipid 0x0 AuthenticAMD family 16 model 8 step 0 clock 2600 MHz)     Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8435 The physical processor has 6 virtual processors (6-11)   x86 (chipid 0x1 AuthenticAMD family 16 model 8 step 0 clock 2600 MHz)     Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8435

I decided to take the system for a test drive with Olio. Olio is a Web 2.0 toolkit consisting on a web 2.0 event calendar application  which can help stress a system. Depending on your favorite scripting language you …

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