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Displaying posts with tag: plug-in (reset)
MySQL University: Securich - Security Plugin for MySQL (rerun)

This Thursday (June 10th, 14:00 UTC), Darren Cassar will rerun his February 25 presentation of Securich - Security Plugin for MySQL. (Recording of the session failed in February; hopefully it will succeed this time.) According to Darren, the author of the plugin, Securich is an incredibly handy and versatile tool for managing user privileges on MySQL through the use of roles. It basically makes granting and revoking rights a piece of cake, not to mention added security it provides through password expiry and password history, the customization level it permits, the fact that it runs on any MySQL 5.0 or later and it's easily deployable on any official MySQL binary, platform independent.
More information here: …

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MySQL University: Securich - Security Plugin for MySQL (rerun)

This Thursday (June 10th, 14:00 UTC), Darren Cassar will rerun his February 25 presentation of Securich - Security Plugin for MySQL. (Recording of the session failed in February; hopefully it will succeed this time.) According to Darren, the author of the plugin, Securich is an incredibly handy and versatile tool for managing user privileges on MySQL through the use of roles. It basically makes granting and revoking rights a piece of cake, not to mention added security it provides through password expiry and password history, the customization level it permits, the fact that it runs on any MySQL 5.0 or later and it's easily deployable on any official MySQL binary, platform independent.
More information here: …

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MySQL University: Securich - Security Plugin for MySQL (rerun)

This Thursday (June 10th, 14:00 UTC), Darren Cassar will rerun his February 25 presentation of Securich - Security Plugin for MySQL. (Recording of the session failed in February; hopefully it will succeed this time.) According to Darren, the author of the plugin, Securich is an incredibly handy and versatile tool for managing user privileges on MySQL through the use of roles. It basically makes granting and revoking rights a piece of cake, not to mention added security it provides through password expiry and password history, the customization level it permits, the fact that it runs on any MySQL 5.0 or later and it's easily deployable on any official MySQL binary, platform independent.
More information here: …

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