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Displaying posts with tag: php testing (reset)
PHP 5.3 is released

It was a long run and I'm sure it felt like an eternity for many - for me it certainly did. PHP 5.3 was branched of over two years ago and finally is ready to be called 5.3.0.

The website and many other blogs discuss the features - from often loved closures, to well discussed namespaces to the sometimes hated goto - so I think I don't have to this here but instead can focus on that what really matters:

  • Thanks to all the developers - Without them no new features would be there.
  • Thanks to the documentation team - Without them one would have to decipher the NEWS file and guess what exactly is meant.
  • Thanks to all participants during the Testfest! - During the Testfest we received many good tests for our regression test suite. Many of these tests represent what people do, not what developers think they should do which is important to …
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PHP 5.3.0 RC 2 released

As others wrote, or as you can read on or in my twitter feed we've released the second, long awaited, release candidate of PHP 5.3.0.

5.3 is  rather big release including support for namespaces, closures, phar archives, internatioalization support via the new intl extension, improved SQLite support, mysqlnd as backend for the MySQL exensions, impressive performance improvements, ... and tons of other bigger and minor things.

Even though this server is running 5.3 already it's not suggested to be used in production evironments, yet but I'd really like to encourage everybody to test it and give feedback! I'm also interested in positive feedback, not …

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