MySQL keeps many different files, some contain real data, some contain meta data. Witch ones are important? Witch can your throw away?
This is my attempt to create a quick reference of all the files used by MySQL, whats in them, what can you do if they are missing, what can you do with them.
When I was working for Dell doing Linux support my first words to a customer where “DO YOU HAVE COMPLETE AND VERIFIED BACKUP?” Make one now before you think about doing anything I suggest here.
You should always try to manage your data through a MySQL client. If things have gone very bad this may not be possible. MySQL may not start. If your file system get corrupt you may have missing files. Sometimes people create other files in the MySQL directory (BAD). This should help you understand what is safe to remove.
Before you try to work with one of these files make sure you have the file permissions set …
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