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Displaying posts with tag: prepare statement (reset)
Differences in PREPARE Statement Error Handling with Binary and Text Protocol (Percona XtraDB Cluster / Galera)

In this blog, we’ll look at the differences in how a PREPARE statement handles errors in binary and text protocols.


Since Percona XtraDB Cluster is a multi-master solution, when an application executes conflicting workloads one of the workloads gets rolled back with a DEADLOCK error. While the same holds true even if you fire the workload through a PREPARE statement, there are differences between using the MySQL connector API (with binary protocol) and the MySQL client (with text protocol). Let’s look at these differences with the help of an example.

Base Workload

  • Say we have a two-node cluster (n1 and n2) with the following base schema and tables:
    use test;
    create table t (i int, k int, primary key pk(i)) engine=innodb;
    insert into t values (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30); …
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