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Performance regression testing results or just statistics?

We’re very excited to see MySQL 5.1.30 make it to GA status and are very proud of the work that the MySQL engineering team has done to get MySQL 5.1 out of the door.

Maybe you’ve seen some claims by others in the MySQL community that MySQL 5.1 runs slower than MySQL 5.0. Maybe you’ve also seen some claims by others in the MySQL community that MySQL 5.1 runs faster than MySQL 5.0.

Guess what? They’re both right.

With database or any other hardware/software performance tests, you’re always going to see different results because there are *so* many variables that go into the equation.

That being the case, I thought I’d share a little of what we in the MySQL QA group have seen on the 5.1 vs. 5.0 front. Part of our job in MySQL QA is to routinely test each MySQL build and compare it to prior versions before release, to see if any performance regressions have occurred and I would like …

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