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Displaying posts with tag: software freedom day (reset)
Software Freedom Day in Riga: Superstars galore

Tomorrow (Saturday, September 20 2008) is Software Freedom Day, and we’re taking Latvia by storm! We’re hosting it at the University of Latvia, and we have an awesome schedule.

Why awesome? Because we have exciting speakers like you wouldn’t believe.

  • Mårten Mickos, former CEO MySQL AB, current SVP Database Group, Sun Microsystems
  • Kaj Arno, VP Community, Database Group, Sun Microsystems
  • Mark Callaghan, Google Inc - he’ll be talking about running a database when your business depends on it - very cool stuff
  • Domas Mituzas, Wikimedia Foundation and …
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Microsoft blackouts… Software Freedom

Are you a user of Microsoft Windows? Are you a user of a non-licensed copy of Microsoft Windows? Does it happen to be Windows XP Professional? Have you seen “blackouts“?

Apparently, from about the end of last month (August 27 2008, to be precise), users of pirated copies of Microsoft Windows XP Professional that also happen to be connected to the Internet will see their screens go black, and have no icons visible.

The esteemed folk at Microsoft Malaysia seem to think that there are 8.6 million users of Windows XP Professional in Malaysia (seems like a huge number, considering the population), and about three million will suffer from these “blackouts”. Only 35% of Windows XP Professional users are pirates?

Its a most interesting tactic. Annoy the user by allowing them to change their …

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