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Displaying posts with tag: Thread Architecture (reset)
Designing a Thread Pipeline for optimal database throughput with high IPC and low CPU cache misses

 There are a couple of questions about the blog post on automatic thread configuration in RonDB. Rather than providing an extensive answer in the comment section I thought it was better to answer the questions in a separate blog. In addition I performed a set of microbenchmarks to verify my expectations.

The first question was the following:

ScyllaDB also does something similar with execution stages for better instruction cache. Is this similar to what you're implementing for instruction cache on separating the threads?

The second question is:

I don't really get the functional separation of threads. To execute a query, your data will now go through a pipeline of …

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RonDB, automatic thread configuration

This blog introduces how RonDB handles automatic thread configuration. This blog is more technical and dives deeper under the surface of how RonDB operates. RonDB provides a configuration option, ThreadConfig, whereby the user can have full control over the assignment of threads to CPUs, how the CPU locking is to be performed and how the thread should be scheduled.

However for the absolute majority of users this is too advanced, thus the managed version of RonDB ensures that this thread configuration is based on best practices found over decades of testing. This means that every user of the managed version of RonDB will get access to a thread configuration that is optimised for their particular VM size.

In addition RonDB makes use of adaptive CPU spinning in a way that limits the power usage, but still provides very low latency in all database operations. …

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