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Displaying posts with tag: PLO-2020-10 (reset)
MySQL 8.0 Document Store, Discovery of a New World – Percona Live ONLINE Talk Preview

Percona Live Online Agenda Slot: Wed 21 Oct • New York 5:00 a.m. • London 10:00 a.m. • New Delhi 2:30 p.m. • Singapore 5:00 p.m.


MySQL Document Store enables us to work with SQL relational tables and schema-less JSON collections. So instead of having a mixed bag of databases, you can just rely on MySQL, where the JSON documents can be stored in collections and managed with CRUD operations. All you need to do is install the X plugin. In this session, you will learn what a document store is, how to install and use it, and all the reasons for considering it. We will also see several specific features helping developers and illustrate how the usual MySQL DBA can manage this new world.

Why is your talk exciting?

This talk is very exciting because it’s focus on new capabilities that is available only in MySQL and that many …

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The State of ProxySQL, 2020 Edition – Percona Live ONLINE Talk Preview

Percona Live Online Agenda Slot: Wed 21 Oct • New York 7:30 a.m. • London 12:30 p.m. • New Delhi 5:00 p.m. • Singapore 7:30 p.m.


ProxySQL is a high performance, high available, protocol aware proxy for MySQL. 2.0 has been GA for some time now, and there have been a lot of changes that come in point releases as well, such that you can benefit from them.

Listen to René, the founder of ProxySQL, take you through some of the new features in 2.0, and how you can effectively utilize them. Some topics that are covered include:

– LDAP authentication
– SSL for client connections
– AWS Aurora usage
– Native clustering support for Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) / Galera Cluster / group replication
– Kubernetes deployments

This is the talk to take you from intermediate ProxySQL user to …

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DBdeployer, the Community Edition – Percona Live ONLINE Talk Preview

Percona Live Online Agenda Slot: Wed 21 Oct • New York 3:30 a.m. • London 8:30 a.m. • New Delhi 1:00 p.m. • Singapore 3:30 p.m.


DBdeployer, an open source tool that allows easy deployment of many MySQL/Percona servers in the same host, has passed two years of development. Its latest additions have aimed at improving ease of use for both beginners and experts. This talk will show how to start with dbdeployer with an empty box, and quickly populate it with recent and less recent server versions, all at the command line.

Why is your talk exciting?

This talk is a celebration of collaboration in the community. I will present recent features that were requested, or suggested, by the community. I will also show how those suggestions came to fruition, to …

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Sharding: DIY or Out of the Box Solution? – Percona Live ONLINE Talk Preview

Percona Live Online Agenda Slot: Wed 21 Oct • New York 7:00 a.m. • London 12:00 noon • New Delhi 4:30 p.m. • Singapore 7:00 p.m.

Why is your talk exciting?

I’m not sure if my talk is exciting, but I’m quite positive the subject is! Vitess has been gaining a lot of traction over the past few years and I must admit that I’ve been keen to get hands-on experience with it for years. As we, MessageBird, encounter rapid growth standard (read) scaling wasn’t applicable anymore and we were in need for a solution. Late 2019 we implemented our (quick) DIY sharding solution based upon existing components. A few months later we encountered the next scaling issue and we found our own built solution wasn’t suitable in this case. That’s when we considered investing our time instead in a Vitess proof of concept (community edition) and this talk will …

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Vitess Online Schema Migration Automation – Percona Live ONLINE Talk Preview

Percona Live Online Agenda Slot: Wed 21 Oct • New York 2:30 a.m. • London 7:30 a.m. • New Delhi 12:00 noon • Singapore 2:30 p.m.


For many, running an online schema migration operation is still a manual job: from building the correct command, through identifying where the migration should run and which servers are to be affected, to auditing progress and completing the migration. Sharded environment poses an additional burden, as any logical migration must be applied multiple times, once for each shard.

What if you could just issue an ALTER TABLE … statement, and have all that complexity automated away? Vitess, an open source sharding framework for MySQL, is in a unique position to do just that. This session shows how Vitess’s proxy/agent/topology architecture, together with gh-ost, are used to hide schema change …

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Serverless Databases: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – Percona Live ONLINE Talk Preview

Percona Live Online Agenda Slot: Wed 21 Oct • New York 4:30 a.m. • London 9:30 a.m • New Delhi 2:00 p.m. • Singapore 4:30 p.m.


Starting with AWS, the major cloud providers offer different options to run a MySQL or a MySQL-compatible database on the cloud. A new approach is to rely on so-called serverless (relational) databases like Aurora Serverless that offer both traditional TCP connections and HTTP API access. Can serverless really be the future? Can data API really replace a MySQL connector? What are the major limitations of a serverless database cluster and do they really protect from inefficient use of database resources?

Why is your talk exciting?

The database is the most challenging layer to optimize resources in the cloud and achieve elasticity. Serverless relational databases can help in that but …

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