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Displaying posts with tag: partitioned (reset)
MySQL Cluster Backup and Restore

MySQL Ndb Cluster provides durability for data by default via logging and checkpointing.

In addition, users can take backups at any time, which allows for disaster recovery, replication synchronisation, data portability and other use cases.

This post looks at the backup and restore mechanisms in MySQL Ndb Cluster.

MySQL Ndb Cluster architecture recap

MySQL Ndb Cluster is a distributed SQL relational database :

  • Designed for low overhead read + write scale out, high availability, high throughput and low latency.
  • Providing distributed parallel joins, transactions, row locks, foreign keys.
  • Data is primarily stored and managed by a set of independent data node processes.
  • Data is accessed via distributed MySQL servers and …
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My post-FOSDEM detox has started - despite preparing by reading some survival guides, I hadn't really fathomed the variety and quantity (and quality) of beer that would flow over four days.  On reflection however, the beer flow has been far exceeded by the flow of tech content and conversation.

On Thursday and Friday I attended the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Days fringe event, where there were two tracks of talks and tutorials on MySQL including sessions on :
 - MySQL Server simplification
 - MySQL replication tooling improvements
 - Configuring group replication
 - Troubleshooting group replication
 - Using DNS for loadbalancing and failover
 - Upgrading to MySQL 8.0 …

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