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Displaying posts with tag: pg_chameleon (reset)
Replication from Percona Server for MySQL to PostgreSQL using pg_chameleon

Replication is one of the well-known features that allows us to build an identical copy of a database. It is supported in almost every RDBMS. The advantages of replication may be huge, especially HA (High Availability) and load balancing. But what if we need to build replication between 2 heterogeneous databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL? Can we continuously replicate changes from a MySQL database to a PostgreSQL database? The answer to this question is pg_chameleon.

For replicating continuous changes, pg_chameleon uses the mysql-replication library to pull the row images from MySQL, which are transformed into a jsonb object. A pl/pgsql function in postgres decodes the jsonb and replays the changes into the postgres database. In order to setup this type of replication, your mysql binlog_format must be “ROW”.

A few points you should know before setting up this …

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