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Displaying posts with tag: Performance counters (reset)
Linux top command on Windows, further investigations

In my previous post, I spoke of "Normalized" and "Non-Normalized" CPU utilization values:
TABLE:Foreword: Windows is not "process" based OS (like Linux) but rather "thread" based so all of the numbers relating to CPU usage are approximations. I did made a "proper" CPU per Process looping and summing up Threads counter ( based on PID but that proved too slow given I have ~1 sec to deal with everything. CPU utilization using RAW counters with 1s delay between samples proved to produce a bit more reliable result than just reading Formatted counters but, again, too slow for my 1s ticks (collect sample, wait 1s, collect sample, do the math takes longer than 1s). Thus I use PerfFormatted counters in version 0.9RC.

Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process; …
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Using Powershell to implement Linux top command on Windows

Welcome to the final blog in Windows PerfCounters and Powershell series and sorry for the delay. The purpose of this blog is to explain the inner workings of top-script.ps1 script and practical usage of Performance counters on Windows through Powershell. It is intended for people who want Linux top - like tool on Windows.

The script is a part of and available in our existing benchmarking package (dbt2- developed by Mikael Ronstrom.

On Top:If you ever did benchmarking on Linux or simply wondered "where did all my resources go", top is your best friend. Since this post is not about Linux, you can google "Linux top explained" for more details.

On Performance counters:To learn about Windows PerfCounters, please refer to my previous …

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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - Network and Contention perf data

In previous blog, I covered DISK/IO counters. This blog will briefly touch on Network, Threading and Contention.

Other counters:
Network I/OCOUNTER: Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec
TYPE: Instantaneous

#Get Instances
PS > (New-Object Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory("Network Interface")).GetInstanceNames("")

Intel[R] Centrino[R] Advanced-N 6205
Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter _2
Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter
Intel[R] 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection

PS > New-Object Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter("Network Interface",
"Bytes Total/sec", "Intel[R] 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection"

CategoryName …
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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - Disk & IO perf data

This post is the hardest for me to write as I generally pay little attention to disks. When they prove too slow, I replace them with faster ones. So now I am writing this on laptop with two SSDs. That said, Disk subsystem could be a major system performance bottleneck and thus there are numerous counters covering this area (Get-CimClass *disk* | Select CimClassName). I would also like to turn your attention to old yet excellent article Top Six FAQs on Windows 2000 Disk Performance if you're interested in subject.

Disk counters:Note: Microsoft recommends that "when attempting to analyse disk performance bottlenecks, you should always use physical disk counters. However, if you use software RAID, you should use logical disk counters. As for Logical Disk and Physical Disk Counters, the same values are available in each of these …

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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - Memory perf data

In the last blog I spoke of CPU counters. Now, I'll talk of Memory counters.

MEMORY Counters (CIM_PhysicalMemory class, Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory class, Memory Performance Information ...): Note: I introduced the notion of samples and how to fetch them using NextValue() so I will occasionally omit $var.NextValue() going forward.

Let me note here that if you thought previously described performance classes were complicated, you are now entering the realm of black magic ;-) There is a good …

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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - CPU perf data

So far, I talked of WMI, CIM, WQL, System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory, perf-counter data organization and flavour. Now it's time to look at some performance counters I deem important for my use-case more closely.
Note: List of available Counters for Get-Counter command
Get-Counter -ListSet * | Sort-Object CounterSetName | Format-Table CounterSetName

Basic concepts:I will introduce basic concepts of Processor, Core and CPU now to help you follow the text. Let us use this convention:

  • "Processor" is a piece of hardware you connect to a slot on the motherboard.
  • "Physical Core" is a physical computing unit built into the "Processor".
  • "Virtual Core" is a virtual computing unit built on top of "Physical Core" (i.e. HT is ON).
  • "CPU" is a computing unit inside the "Processor", either physical or virtual.

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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - Fetching the values

Summary from last blog:

  • Tip: An alias for Get-CimInstance is GCim, for Select-Object it's Select and for Get-WmiObject is GWmi.
  • There are Raw and Formatted counters. Watch out for formula converting Raw samples to Formatted values.

NAMESPACE organizationThe general organization of namespaces is as follows:
  Category (Class if you prefer)
Every Category has Counters but not all of the Counters have Instances. The full path to the desired value is called a __PATH:

PS > GWmi Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor | Select __Path

namespace …
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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - Raw vs. Formatted values

How to interpret Raw data from Windows performance counters.
Tip: An alias for Get-CimInstance is GCim and alias for Get-WmiObject is GWmi.

In the first blog post, I covered what WMI/CIM is and how to get info from there. Last I talked about was RawData counters:
Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor

Name : _Total
PercentIdleTime : 78061457390

Understanding RawData:By itself, a RawData value is a sample but important thing is to determine what concrete sample value actually is and how to convert it to a form we understand. In this example, MSDN tells us PercentIdleTime is a counter of type 542180608:

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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - Infrastructure

In this series of blogs, I will cover Windows performance counters infrastructure, collecting and interpreting the data and, in final blog, provide the Powershell script built on this. I should note that I am very new to Powershell so take my empirical findings with grain of salt. Also, coming from Linux bash, I found Powershell confusing at first but, after getting comfortable with concept of passing Objects down the pipe, I have to say I like it a lot.

It all starts in WDM framework (Windows Driver Model) where metrics is collected for WMI-for-WDM enabled device drivers. The classes created by the WDM provider to represent device driver data reside in the "Root\WMI" namespace. I will talk of namespaces shortly.
So, the WDM provider records information about WDM operations in the …

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