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Displaying posts with tag: PerfRaw (reset)
Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - Memory perf data

In the last blog I spoke of CPU counters. Now, I'll talk of Memory counters.

MEMORY Counters (CIM_PhysicalMemory class, Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory class, Memory Performance Information ...): Note: I introduced the notion of samples and how to fetch them using NextValue() so I will occasionally omit $var.NextValue() going forward.

Let me note here that if you thought previously described performance classes were complicated, you are now entering the realm of black magic ;-) There is a good …

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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - CPU perf data

So far, I talked of WMI, CIM, WQL, System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory, perf-counter data organization and flavour. Now it's time to look at some performance counters I deem important for my use-case more closely.
Note: List of available Counters for Get-Counter command
Get-Counter -ListSet * | Sort-Object CounterSetName | Format-Table CounterSetName

Basic concepts:I will introduce basic concepts of Processor, Core and CPU now to help you follow the text. Let us use this convention:

  • "Processor" is a piece of hardware you connect to a slot on the motherboard.
  • "Physical Core" is a physical computing unit built into the "Processor".
  • "Virtual Core" is a virtual computing unit built on top of "Physical Core" (i.e. HT is ON).
  • "CPU" is a computing unit inside the "Processor", either physical or virtual.

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Windows PerfCounters and Powershell - Raw vs. Formatted values

How to interpret Raw data from Windows performance counters.
Tip: An alias for Get-CimInstance is GCim and alias for Get-WmiObject is GWmi.

In the first blog post, I covered what WMI/CIM is and how to get info from there. Last I talked about was RawData counters:
Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor

Name : _Total
PercentIdleTime : 78061457390

Understanding RawData:By itself, a RawData value is a sample but important thing is to determine what concrete sample value actually is and how to convert it to a form we understand. In this example, MSDN tells us PercentIdleTime is a counter of type 542180608:

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