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Displaying posts with tag: bsl (reset)
M17 Conference Observations on the Future of MariaDB

In this blog post, I’ll discuss some of my thoughts about the future of MariaDB after attending the M17 Conference.

Let me start with full disclosure: I’m the CEO of Percona, and we compete with the MariaDB Corporation in providing Support for MariaDB and other services. I probably have some biases!

Last week I attended the MariaDB Developers UnConference and the M17 Conference, which provided great insights into MariaDB’s positioning as a project and as a business. Below are some of my thoughts as I attended various sessions at the …

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Some thoughts on recent events

It was suggested by Monty that the posts I've made about MariaDB are for publicity. This simply isn't true. I would have much preferred a different outcome in my interactions with MariaDB. I figured that they would end up giving me a hard time, and I'd be stubborn and we'd both hate each other for as long as I could keep from leaving. A quick separation actually seems much better in such context. Regardless, I would have preferred to speak amicably to the MariaDB Corporation about switching the license back, or at least moving to the new license at the time of the notification of the community, ie as the LAST checkin in the 2.0 branch. I would suggest they re-release 2.0 as GPL and move 2.1 to the BSL to allow the market to decide if they want to move to 2.1, or even take up 2.0, if they aren't guaranteed important (especially security!) fixes in the older …

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BSL BS: How do you backport fixes from MaxScale 2.0 to MaxScale 1.0?

I have created a GitHub fork of MaxScale which does not include the 2.0 branch.  The repository is called GPLScale.

There is a big potential problem with this.  Take for example the file server/core/utils.c, which now has a new license:

This file WAS covered under GPL:

When there is a bugfix in 2.0 for server code that existed in 1.0, can that code be backported directly into GPLscale?

a) util.c in 2.0 is clearly …

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BSL BS: How do you backport fixes from MaxScale 2.0 to MaxScale 1.0?

I have created a GitHub fork of MaxScale which does not include the 2.0 branch.  The repository is called GPLScale.

There is a big potential problem with this.  Take for example the file server/core/utils.c, which now has a new license:

This file WAS covered under GPL:

When there is a bugfix in 2.0 for server code that existed in 1.0, can that code be backported directly into GPLscale?

a) util.c in 2.0 is clearly …

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